Postdoctoral Felloship
Tagliaferri Roberto
robtag at
Thu Sep 17 13:06:03 EDT 1992
Human Capital and Mobility Programme of the Commission of the
European Communities
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Applications are invited for 3 EC funded post-doctoral
fellowships with the INFM (Italian Institute of Matter Physics)
Section of Salerno University, Italia.
The duration of the fellowships are 12 months.
Remuneration will be at a rate of 3,644 ECU/month
(this covers subsistence, tax, social insurance, etc.).
The fellowship is open to EC citizens other than citizens
of Italy.
The research topics are:
(1) Electronic states in normal and superconducting systems with
strong correlations
(2) Neural Networks for Signal Processing
(3) Superconductivity at high critical temperature
Interested candidates should send a letter of application, a CV,
and a list of their publications to:
Dr. Alfonso Romano
Dept. Fisica Teorica
Univ. Salerno
I-84081 Baronissi (SA)
E-mail alforom at
fax +39 89 822275
Since the closing date for receipt of applications is September 24,
candidates are encouraged to send their applications either
by e-mail or FAX.
A more detailed description of the research activities (in Latex) follows:
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{\bf 1) Supervisor: Prof.$\,$M.Marinaro}
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Prof.$\,$M.Marinaro offers to supervise one postdoctoral fellow for a
period of 12 months. The activity will be theoretical and based on the
use of Quantum Field Theory methods applied to Condensed Matter Physics.
The fellow will work in a group of 4 experienced people, which
collaborate with other scientists, such as Prof.$\,$H.Matsumoto (Sendai,
Japan), Prof.$\,$R.Micnas (Poznan, Poland), Prof.$\,$G.Iadonisi (Naples,
The activity proposed to the perspective fellow is the following:
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{\bf Name of activity}
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\item {} Electronic states in normal and superconducting systems
with strong correlations
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{\bf Objectives of activity}
\item {} The physical properties of systems with strong electronic
correlations have been so far studied within the framework of the
periodic Anderson model, by means of a perturbative expansion in the
kinetic term of the conduction electrons. Special attention has been
devoted to the structure of the electronic density of states and to the
study of the singlet and triplet superconducting solutions generated by
the inclusion of an attractive off-site interaction between correlated
\item {} The continuation of this kind of analysis and the application
of similar techniques to other correlated electron models, such as those
used in the theory of high-$T_c$ superconductors, represents the research
activity planned for the next future.
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See, for example:
M.Marinaro, C.Noce and A.Romano, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. {\bf 3}, 3719
(1991); Il Nuovo Cimento D, at press (September or October 1992 issue)
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{\bf 2) Supervisor: Prof.$\,$E.R.Caianiello}
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Prof.$\,$E.R.Caianiello offers to supervise one postdoctoral fellow for a
period of 12 months. The activity will be mainly experimental and based on
the use of Neural Networks for adaptive signal processing and feature
The fellow will work in a group of 5 experienced people, which
collaborate with other scientists, coming from the Universities of Rome
and Pavia, IRST of Trento, MIT of Boston.
The activity proposed to the perspective fellow is the following:
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{\bf Name of activity}
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\item {} Neural Networks for Signal Processing
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{\bf Objectives of activity}
\item {} Study of learning in neural networks to obtain the best
performances in complex hybrid systems for signal processing. The nets
are used in the phases of filtering, feature extraction and
classification either for speech processing or for 2D pattern
{\bf 3) Supervisor: Prof.$\,$F.Mancini}
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Prof.$\,$F.Mancini offers to supervise one postdoctoral fellow for a
period of 12 months. The activity will be theoretical and based on the
use of Quantum Field Theory techniques applied to Condensed Matter Physics.
The research project is a part of a common program between the
Institute of Materials Research at Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan) and
the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Salerno.
The activity proposed to the perspective fellow is the following:
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{\bf Name of activity}
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\item {} Superconductivity at high critical temperature
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{\bf Objectives of activity}
\item {} The phenomenon of superconductivity in the new materials which
exhibit a high critical temperature is still not well understood from
a theoretical point of view. By making use of the p-d model, our purpose
is to investigate the fundamental mechanism which induces
superconductivity in the new superconductor oxides. At first stage, the
theoretical effort is concentrated on understanding the electronic
structure realized in proximity of the metal-insulator transition.
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