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Dr. S. Kak
kak at
Tue Sep 15 11:23:24 EDT 1992
Papers for the Sessions on Neural Networks at FT&T [First International
Conference on Fuzzy Theory & Technology, October 14-18, 1992, Durham,NC]
General Chair: Professor Paul P. Wang, Dept of Electrical Engrg, Duke
University, Durham, NC 27706
Session 1: October 15, 1992, 215 PM- 355 PM
Chairman : Professor W.A. Porter, Univ of Alabama at Huntsville
H. Kim, University of Missouri- Rolla,
Designing of Reliable Feedforward Neural Networks Based On
Fault-Tolerant Neurons .
W.A. Porter, C. Bowden, W. Liu, University of Alabama at Huntsville and
U.S. Army Missile Command,
Alphabet Character Recognition with a Generalizing Neural Network .
V. Kurkova, P.C. Kainen, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and
Industrial Math, Univ of Maryland,
Fuzzy Orthogonal Dimension and Error-Correcting Classification
by Perceptron Type Networks .
G. Georgiou, California State University, San Bernardino,
Activation Functions for Neural Networks in the Complex Domain .
S.C. Kak, LSU,
A New Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks .
Session 2: October 16, 1992, 945 AM- 1130 AM
Chairman : Professor George Georgiou, California State University,
San Bernardino
S. Saha and J.P. Christensen, LSU,
Genetic Design of Sparse Neural Networks .
H.L. Hiew and C.P. Tsang, Univ of Western Australia,
An Adaptive Fuzzy System for Modelling Chaos .
F. Lin and K. Lee, Santa Clara University and Cirrus Logic,
A Parallel Computation Network for the Maximum Clique Problem .
S. Sivasubramaniam, Acutec, Ft. Lauderdale,
A Feature Extraction Heuristic for Neural Networks .
W.A. Porter, S.X. Zheng, and W. Liu, Univ of Alabama at Huntsville,
A Neural Controller for Discrete Plants with Unknown Noise .
C. Cramer, LSU,
Pruning Hidden Neurons in the Kak Algorithm .
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