Express Saccades & Attention: BBS Call for Commentators
Stevan Harnad
harnad at Princeton.EDU
Sat Sep 12 17:33:57 EDT 1992
Below is the abstract of a forthcoming target article by B. Fischer &
H. Weber on express saccadic eye movements and attention. It has been
accepted for publication in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS), an
international, interdisciplinary journal that provides Open Peer
Commentary on important and controversial current research in the
biobehavioral and cognitive sciences. Commentators must be current BBS
Associates or nominated by a current BBS Associate. To be considered as
a commentator on this article, to suggest other appropriate
commentators, or for information about how to become a BBS Associate,
please send email to:
harnad at or harnad at pucc.bitnet or write to:
BBS, 20 Nassau Street, #240, Princeton NJ 08542 [tel: 609-921-7771]
To help us put together a balanced list of commentators, please give some
indication of the aspects of the topic on which you would bring your
areas of expertise to bear if you were selected as a commentator. An
electronic draft of the full text is available for inspection by anonymous
ftp according to the instructions that follow after the abstract.
B. Fischer and H. Weber
Department Neurophysiology
Hansastr. 9
D - 78 Freiburg
aiple at (c/o Franz Aiple)
KEYWORDS: Eye movements, Saccade, Express Saccade, Vision, Fixation,
Attention, Cortex, Reaction Time, Dyslexia
ABSTRACT: One of the most intriguing and controversial observations in
oculomotor research in recent years is the phenomenon of express
saccades in man and monkey. These are saccades of so extremely short
reaction times (100 ms in man, 70 ms in monkey) that some experts on
eye movements still regard them as artifacts or anticipatory reactions
that do not need any further explanation. On the other hand, some
research groups consider them to be not only authentic but also a
valuable means of investigating the mechanisms of saccade generation,
the coordination of vision and eye movements, and the mechanisms of
visual attention.
This target article puts together pieces of experimental evidence in
oculomotor and related research - with special emphasis on the express
saccade - in order to enhance our present understanding of the
coordination of vision, visual attention, and eye movements necessary
for visual perception and cognition.
We hypothethize that an optomotor reflex is responsible for the
occurrence of express saccades, one that is controlled by higher brain
functions of disengaged visual attention and decision making. We
describe a neural network as a basis for more elaborate mathematical
models and computer simulations of the optomotor system in primates.
To help you decide whether you would be an appropriate commentator for
this article, an electronic draft is retrievable by anonymous ftp from according to the instructions below (the filename is
bbs.fischer). Please do not prepare a commentary on this draft. Just
let us know, after having inspected it, what relevant expertise you
feel you would bring to bear on what aspect of the article.
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case) can be used as an alternative. The process is almost identical
to file transfer within JANET, and the general method is illustrated
in the following example. With some machines, filenames and the
username need to be placed within quotes to prevent unacceptable
transposion to upper case (as may apply also to the transfer from
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