No subject austin at
Mon Oct 19 11:40:43 EDT 1992

                 Weightless Neural Network Workshop '93
                           University of York
                             York, England
    (in conjunction with Brunel University and Imperial College, London)
                             6-7 April 1993
                        CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS
 This two-day workshop provides a forum for the presentation and
 exchange of current work in the general field of weightless neural
 networks.  Models include N-tuple systems, CMAC, Kanvera's sparse 
 distributed memory, probabilistic logic nodes, g-RAM, p-RAM,
 etc, etc.  Contributions on theory, realisations and applications 
 are equally welcome.  Accepted contributions will be either be
 presented as a paper or as part of a structured poster session. 
 Abstracts should be submitted by 1 November 1992 to the address 
 below, and should be approximately 400 words in length 
 and highlight the important points of the proposed contribution.  
 All proposals will be reviewed by the programme committee and 
 authors notified by 20 December 1992.  Full papers are required 
 by 31 January 1993 and will be considered for publication in book form. 
 Details of format requirements will be supplied later.  
 Abstracts and enquiries to:-
 N M Allinson
 Department of Electronics
 University of York
 York, YO1 5DD
 Email:wnnw at

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