IJCNN '93 NAGOYA (Call for Papers)

usui@tut.ac.jp usui at tut.ac.jp
Tue Oct 6 10:41:11 EDT 1992

   I J C N N  '9 3  ( N A G O Y A )   *** C A L L  F O R  P A P E R S ***

             Internatinal Joint Conference on Neural Networks
                     Nagoya Congress Center, Japan
                          October 25-29, 1993

IJCNN'93-NAGOYA co-sponsored by the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS), 
the IEEE Neural Networks Council (NNC), the International Neural Network 
Society (INNS), the European Neural Network Society (ENNS), the Society of 
Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE, Japan), the Institute of Electronics, 
Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE, Japan), the Nagoya Industrial 
Science Research Institute, the Aichi Prefectural Government and the Nagoya 
Municipal Government cordially invite interested authors to submit papers in 
the field of neural networks for presentation at the Conference. Nagoya is a 
historical city famous for Nagoya Castle and is located in the central major 
industrial area of Japan. There is frequent direct air service from most 
countries.  Nagoya is 2 hours away from Tokyo or 1 hour from Osaka by bullet 

Papers may be submitted for consideration as oral or poster presentations in 
the following areas:

	Neurobiological Systems		Self-organization
	Cognitive Science		Learning & Memory
	Image Processing & Vision	Robotics & Control  
	Speech, Hearing & Language	Hybrid Systems 
 	Sensorimotor Systems		  (Fuzzy, Genetic, Expert Systems, AI)
	Neural Network Architectures    Implementation 
	Network Dynamics		  (Electronic, Optical, Bio-chips) 
	Optimization 			Other Applications 
	 			          (Medical and Social Systems, Art, 
					   Economy, etc. Please specify the 
					   area of the application)

Four(4) page papers MUST be received by April 30, 1993.  Papers received after
that date will be returned unopened. International authors should submit their
work via Air Mail or Express Courier so as to ensure timely arrival. All 
submissions will be acknowledged by mail.  Papers will be reviewed by senior 
researchers in the field, and all authors will be informed of the decisions at
the end of the review process by June 30, 1993. A limited number of papers will
be accepted for oral and poster presentations. No poster sessions are scheduled
in parallel with oral sessions. All accepted papers will be published as 
submitted in the conference proceedings, which should be available at the 
conference for distribution to all regular conference registrants.

Please submit six(6) copies (one camera-ready original and five copies) of the 
paper. Do not fold or staple the original camera-ready copy. The four page 
papers, including figures, tables, and references, should be written 
in English. The paper submitted over four pages will be charged 30,000 YEN 
per extra page.  Papers should be submitted on 210mm x 297mm (A4) or 
8-1/2" x 11" (letter size) white paper with one inch margins on all four sides 
(actual space to be allowed to type is 165mm (W) x 228mm (H) or 6-1/2" x 9"). 
They should be prepared by typewriter or letter-quality printer in one or 
two-column format, single-spaced, in Times or similar font of 10 points or 
larger, and printed on one side of the page only.  Please be sure that all 
text, figures, captions, and references are clean, sharp, readable, and of 
high contrast. Fax submission are not acceptable.

Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete title, author(s), 
affiliation(s), and mailing address(es), followed by a blank space and then an 
abstract, not to exceed 15 lines, followed by the text. In an accompanying 
letter, the following should be included. Send papers to: IJCNN'93-NAGOYA 

	Full Title of the Paper		Presentation Preferred
				          Oral or Poster
	Corresponding Author 		Presenter*
          Name, Mailing address	          Name, Mailing address
	  Telephone and FAX numbers	  Telephone and FAX numbers
	  E-mail address	           E-mail address
	Technical Session		Audio Visual Requirements
          1st and 2nd choices	          e.g., 35mm Slide, OHP, VCR

   *  Students who wish to apply for the Student Award, please specify and 
      enclose a verification letter of	status from the Department head.

                           Call for Tutorials

Tutorials for IJCNN'93-NAGOYA will be held on Monday, October 25, 1993.  Each 
tutorial will be three hours long. The tutorials should be designed as such 
and not as expanded talks. They should lead the student at the college Senior
level through a pedagogically understandable development of the subject matter.
Experts in neural networks and related fields are encouraged to submit proposed
topics for tutorials. The proposal should be one to two pages long and describe
in some detail the subject matter to be covered in the three-hour tutorial. 
Please mail proposals by January 5, 1993, to IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Secretariat. 

                              Industry Forum

A major industry forum will be held in the afternoon on Tuesday, October 26, 
1993.  Speakers will include representatives from industry, government, and 
academia.  The aim of the forum is to permit attendees to understand more fully
possible industrial applications of neural networks, discuss problems that have
arisen in industrial applications, and to delineate new areas of research and 
development of neural network applications.

                            Exhibit Information
Exhibitors are encouraged to present the latest innovations in neural networks,
including electronic and optical neuro computers, fuzzy neural networks, neural
network VLSI chips and development systems, neural network design and 
simulation tools, software systems, and application demonstration systems. 
A large group of vendors and participants from academia, industry and 
government are expected.  We believe that the IJCNN'93-NAGOYA will be the 
neural network largest conference and trade-show in Japan, in which to exhibit 
your products.  Potential exhibitors should plan to sign up before April 30, 
1993 for exhibit booths since exhibit space is limited. Vendors may contact 
the IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Secretariat.

                            Committees  & Chairs

   Advisory Chair:	     Fumio Harashima, University of Tokyo
     Vicecochairs:	     Russell Eberhart (IEEE NNC), 
                               Research Triangle Institute
			     Paul Werbos (INNS), National Science Foundation
			     Teuvo Kohonen (ENNS), 
                               Helsinki University of Technology
   Organizing Chair:	     Shun-ichi Amari, University of Tokyo    
   Program Chair:	     Kunihiko Fukushima, Osaka University   
     Cochairs:		     Robert J. Marks,II (IEEE NNC), 
                               University of Washington   
			     Harold H. Szu (INNS), Naval Surface Warfare Center
			     Rolf Eckmiller (ENNS), University of Dusseldorf   
			     Noboru Sugie, Nagoya University   
   Steering Chair:	     Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University    
   General Affair Chair:     Fumihito Arai, Nagoya University
   Finance Chairs:	     Hide-aki Saito, Tamagawa University     
			     Roy S. Nutter,Jr, West Virginia University    
   Publicity Chairs:	     Shiro Usui, Toyohashi University of Technology    
			     Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou,  Rutgers University
   Publication Chair:	     Yoichi Okabe, University of Tokyo    
   Exhibits Chairs:	     Masanori Idesawa, Riken    
			     Shigeru Okuma, Nagoya University
   Local Arrangement Chair:  Yoshiki Uchikawa, Nagoya University    
   Industry Forum Chairs:    Noboru Ohnishi, Nagoya University    
			     Hisato Kobayashi, Hosei University    
   Social Event Chair:	     Kazuhiro Kosuge, Nagoya University    
   Tutorial Chair:	     Minoru Tsukada, Tamagawa University    
   Technical Tour Chair	     Hideki Hashimoto, University of Tokyo
   IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Secretariat:
	  		     Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc.
			     Shirakawa Dai-san Bldg., 4-8-10 Meieki, 
                             Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450  Japan
			     Phone:  +81-52-561-9880/8655
                      	     Fax:  +81-52-561-1241
                          R E G I S T R A T I O N

Registration Fee
Full conference registration fee includes admission to all sessions, 
exhibit area, welcome reception and proceedings.  Tutorials and 
banquet are NOT included.

  | Member-ship | Before       | After        |              |
  |             |  Aug. 31 '93 |  Sept. 1 '93 |   On-site    |
  | ---------------------------------------------------------|
  | Member*     |  45,000 yen  |  55,000 yen  |  60,000 yen  |
  | Non-Member  |  55,000 yen  |  65,000 yen  |  70,000 yen  |
  | Student**   |  12,000 yen  |  15,000 yen  |  20,000 yen  |
Tutorial Registration Fee
Tutorials will be held on Monday, October 25, 1993, 10:00 am-1:00 
pm. and 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. The complete list of tutorials will be 
available in the June mailing.

 |          |          |  Before August 31, 93   |  After     |
 |          |          |-------------------------|  Sept. 1,  |
 | Member-  |  Option  |            |Univ. & Non |  `93       |
 | ship     |          | Industrial |profit Inst.|            |
 | -----------------------------------------------------------|
 | Member*  | Half day | 20,000 yen |  7,000 yen | 40,000 yen |
 |	    | Full day | 30,000 yen | 10,000 yen | 60,000 yen |
 | Non-	    | Half day | 30,000 yen | 10,000 yen | 50,000 yen |
 | Member   | Full day | 45,000 yen | 15,000 yen | 80,000 yen |
 | Student**| Half day | ---------- |  5,000 yen | 20,000 yen |
 |	    | Full day | ---------- |  7,500 yen | 30,000 yen |

  *  A member of co-sponsoring  and co-operating societies.
  ** Students must submit a verification letter of full-time status from 
     the Department head.


The IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Banquet will be held on Thursday, 
October 28, 1993.  Note that the Banquet ticket (5,000 yen/person) is 
not included in the registration fee.  Pre-registration is recommended, 
since the number of seats is limited.  The registration for the Banquet 
can be made at the same time with the conference registration.

Payment and Remittance 

Payment for registration and tutorial fees should be in one of the 
following forms :

1.  A bank transfer to the following bank account:
     Name of Bank:       Tokai Bank, Nagoya Ekimae-Branch
     Name of Account:    Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc.  EC-ka
     Account No.:        1079574
     Address:	         6F Shirakawa Dai-san Bldg., 4-8-10 Meieki,
		         Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450  Japan

2.  Credit Cards (American Express, Diners, Visa, Master Card) are    
    acceptable except for domestic registrants.  Please indicate your 
    card number and expiration date on  the Registration Form

  Note:  When making remittance, please send Registration Form to 
         the IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Secretariat together with a copy of 
         your bank's receipt for transfer.  Personal checks and other 
         currencies will not be accepted except Japanese yen. 

Confirmation and Receipt

Upon receiving your Registration Form and confirming your 
payment, the IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Secretariat will send you a 
confirmation / receipt.  This confirmation should be retained and 
presented at the registration desk of the conference site.

Cancellation and Refund of the Fees

All financial transactions for the conference are being handled by  the 
IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Secretariat.  Please send a written notification 
of cancellation directly to the office.  Cancellations received on or 
before September 30, 1993, 50% cancel fee will be charged.   We 
regret that no refunds for registration can be made after October 1, 
1993.  All refunds will be proceeded after the conference.


The City of Nagoya, with a population of over two million, is the 
principal city of central Japan and lies at the heart of one of the three 
leading areas of the country.  The area in and around the city contains 
a large number of high-tech industries with names known worldwide, 
such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Sony and Brother.  The city's 
central location gives it excellent road and rail links to the rest of the 
country; there exist direct air services to 18 other cities in Japan and 
26 cities abroad.

Nagoya enjoys a temperate climate and agriculture flourishes on the 
fertile plain surrounding the city.  The area has a long history; 
Nagoya is the birth place of two of Japan's greatest heroes:  the Lords 
Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who did much to bring the 
'Warring States' period to an end.  Tokugawa Ieyasu who completed 
the task and established the Edo period was also born in the area. 
Nagoya is flourished under the benevolent rule of this lord and his 

Climate and Clothing
The climate in Nagoya in the late October is usually agreeable and 
stable, with an average temperature of 16-23 C(60-74 F).  Heavy 
clothing is not necessary, however, a light sweater is recommended.  
Business suit as well as casual clothing is appropriate.


Official Travel Agent
Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc. (TPI) has been appointed as 
the Official Travel Agent for IJCNN'93-NAGOYA, JAPAN to 
handle all travel arrangements in Japan.  All inquiries  and 
application forms for hotel accommodations described herein should 
be addressed as follows:
	Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc.
	Shirakawa Dai-san Bldg. 
	4-8-10 Meieki, Nakamura-ku	Tel: +81-52-561-9880/8655
	Nagoya 450, Japan		Fax: +81-52-561-1241

Airline Transportation

Participants from Europe and North America who are planning to 
come to Japan by air are advised to get in touch with the following 
travel agents who can provide information on discount fares.  
Departure cities are Los Angeles, Washington, New York, Paris, and 
      Japan Travel Bureau U.K. Inc.		
      9 Kingsway London		Tel:  (01)836-9393 
      WC2B 6XF, England, U.K.	Fax:  (01)836-6215
      Japan Travel Bureau International Inc.
      Equitable Tower 11th Floor
      New York, N.Y. 10019 	Tel:  (212)698-4955
      U.S.A.			Fax:  (212)246-5607
      Japan Travel Bureau Paris                 	
      91 Rue du Faubourg      
      750008 Paris 		Tel:  (01)4265-1500 
      France     		Fax:  (01)4265-1132 
      Japan Travel Bureau International Inc.
      Suite 1410, One Wilshire Bldg.
      624 South Grand Ave,
      Los Angeles, CA 90017	Tel:  (213)687-9881
      U.S.A.			Fax:  (213)621-2318

Japan Rail Pass

The JAPAN RAIL PASS is a special ticket that is available only to 
travelers visiting Japan from foreign countries for sight-seeing.  To 
be eligible to purchase a JAPAN RAIL PASS, you must purchase an 
Exchange Order from an authorized sales office or agent before you 
come to Japan.  Please contact JTB offices or your travel agent for 

Note:  The rail pass is a flash pass good on most of the trains and
           ferries in Japan.  It provides very significant saving on
           transportation costs within Japan if you plan to travel more
           than just from Tokyo to Nagoya and return.  Booking of Japan 
           Railway tickets cannot be made before issuing Japan Rail Pass 
           in Japan.

Access to Nagoya
Direct flights to Nagoya are available from the following cities:  
Seoul, Taipei, Pusan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Cheju, 
Jakarta, Denpasar, Kuala Lumpur, Honolulu, Portland, Los Angeles, 
Guam, Saipan, Toronto, Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro,  Sao Paulo, 
Moscow, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney and 

Participants flying from the U.S.A. are urged to fly to Los Angeles, 
CA, or Portland, OR, and transfer to direct flights to Nagoya on Delta 
Airlines, or fly to Seoul, Korea, for a connecting flight to Nagoya.  
For participants from other countries, flights to Narita (the New 
Tokyo International Airport) or Osaka International Airport are 
recommended.  Domestic flights are available from Narita to 
Nagoya, but not from Osaka.  The bullet train, "Shinkansen", is a fast 
and convenient way to get to Nagoya from either Osaka or Tokyo.

Transportation from Nagoya International Airport

Bus service to the Nagoya JR train station is available every 15 
minutes.  The bus stop (signed as No. 1) is to your left as you exit the 
terminal.  The trip takes about 1 hour.

Transportation from Narita International Airport

To the Tokyo JR train station (to connect with Shinkansen), 2 ways 
to get from Narita to the JR train station are recommended:

1.  An express train from the airport to the Tokyo JR train station.  
This is an all reserved seat train.  Buy tickets before boarding train.  
Follow the signs in the airport to JR Narita station.  The trip takes 1 

2.  A non-stop service is available, leaving Narita airport every 15 
minutes.  The trip will take between one and one and a half hours or 
more, depending on traffic conditions.  The limousines have reserved 
seating, so it is necessary to purchase a ticket before boarding.

If you plan to stay in Tokyo overnight before proceeding to Nagoya, 
other limousines to major Tokyo hotels are available.

Transportation from Osaka International Airport

Non-stop-bus service to the Shin-Osaka JR train station is available 
every 15 min.

Foreign Exchange and Travellaer's Checks
Purchase of traveller's checks in Japanese yen or U.S. dollars before 
departure is recommended.  The conference secretariat and most of 
stores will accept only Japanese yen in cash only.  Major credit cards 
are accepted in a number of shops and hotels.  Foreign currency 
exchange and cashing of traveller's checks are available at the New 
Tokyo International  Airport, the Osaka International Airport and 
major hotels.  Major banks that handle foreign currencies are located 
in the downtown area.  Banks are open from 9:00 to 15:00 on the 
weekday, closed on Saturday and Sunday.


100 volts, 60 Hz.
                            IJCNN`93 NAGOYA
                  October 25-29, 1993 Nagoya, JAPAN

                  R E G I S T R A T I O N    F O R M    

(Type or print in block letters, one sheet for each registrant please)

Name:  ( )Prof.  ( )Dr. 
       ( )Mr.    ( )Ms.
      		        (Family Name)    (First Name)    (Middle Name)
Mailing Address:    ( )Office         ( )Home


            Zip Code:             City:             Country:
                     -----------       -----------	    ---------------				      
Phone:                    Fax:                  E-mail:  	
      -------------------     -----------------        --------------------

# REGISTRATION  FEE   (Please make a circle as you chose.)		

 |	      | Before	   | After	|	     |	
 | Membership | Aug.31,'93 | Sept.1,'93 |  On-site   |
 | Member*    | 45,000 yen | 55,000 yen | 60,000 yen |
 | Non-member | 55,000 yen | 65,000 yen | 70,000 yen |
 | Student**  | 12,000 yen | 15,000 yen | 20,000 yen |
   * Please specify Membership society : 
                        and the number :


                                           SUBTOTAL1:                    yen
  ** Students must submit a verification letter of full-time status from 
     the department head.

# TUTORIAL REGISTRATION FEE  (Please make a circle as you chose.)

 |          |          |  Before August 31, 93   |  After     |
 |          |          |-------------------------|  Sept. 1,  |
 | Member-  |  Option  |            |Univ. & Non |  `93       |
 | ship     |          | Industrial |profit Inst.|            |
 | -----------------------------------------------------------|
 | Member*  | Half day | 20,000 yen |  7,000 yen | 40,000 yen |
 |	    | Full day | 30,000 yen | 10,000 yen | 60,000 yen |
 | Non-	    | Half day | 30,000 yen | 10,000 yen | 50,000 yen |
 | Member   | Full day | 45,000 yen | 15,000 yen | 80,000 yen |
 | Student**| Half day | ---------- |  5,000 yen | 20,000 yen |
 |	    | Full day | ---------- |  7,500 yen | 30,000 yen |

 | Session   | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 
 | Morning   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 | Afternoon |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 The complete list of tutorials will be available
 in the June mailing.

                                           SUBTOTAL2:                    yen

# BANQUET (5,000 yen/person)
  Accompany Person's Name: 

                                           SUBTOTAL3:                    yen
                                               (      person(s) x  5,000 yen)

                                 TOTAL AMOUNT(1+2+3):                    yen

# WAY OF PAYMENT    (Please check the appropriate box.)
       ( )1.  Payment through Bank             
                    I have sent the total amount on 
                                              (Name of Bank)
                    to the following account in Japanese yen.

               Name of Bank:      Tokai Bank, Nagoya Ekimae Branch
               Name of Account:   Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc. EC-ka
               Account No.:       1079574
               Address:		  Shirakawa Dai-san Bldg., 4-8-10 Meieki, 
                                  Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450  Japan

       ( )2.  Payment by Credit Card (not for domestic registrants)

                ( )American Express ( )Diners ( )Visa Card ( )Master Card

                Card No.:
		Date of Expiration:
          *  Note	1.  No personal checks are accepted.
	      	        2.  All payments should be made in Japanese yen.

          DATE:                       SIGNATURE:   
	       ----------------------		----------------------------

Please send the completed form to the following address.  

     IJCNN'93-NAGOYA Secretariat
     Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc.
     Shirakawa Dai-san Bldg., 4-8-10 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450 Japan
     Phone:  +81-52-561-9880/8655          Fax:  +81-52-561-1241

                            IJCNN`93 NAGOYA
                  October 25-29, 1993 Nagoya, JAPAN


(Type or print in block letters, one sheet for each registrant please)

Name:  ( )Prof.  ( )Dr. 
       ( )Mr.    ( )Ms.
      		        (Family Name)    (First Name)    (Middle Name)
Mailing Address:    ( )Office         ( )Home


Zip Code:                City:                Country:
         --------------       --------------	      ------------------				      
Phone:                       Fax:                  	
       ----------------------     -------------------- 
Arrival Schedule:   Arriving at               on          by  
                                -------------    ---------   --------------
                                 (Airport)        (Date)      (Flight No.)

|            | Name of Hotel |         Number of Room(s)         | 
| 1st Choice |               |           |          |    twin(s) |  
|            |               | single(s) |  twin(s) | single use |
|------------|---------------|---------------------------------- |    
| 2nd Choice |		     |           |          |            |
|            |               | single(s) |  twin(s) | single use |
|            | Check-in Date | Check-out Date |  Total Night(s) |
| -----------|--------------------------------|-----------------|
| 1st Choice |               |                |                 |  
|            |               |                |                 |
|------------|---------------|----------------|---------------- |    
| 2nd Choice |		     |                |                 |
|            |               |                |                 |
  Sharing with :
                    (Family Name)          (First Name)

 * Hotel Deposit:               yen   X   room(s) =           YEN
                 ---------------                   -----------
               (Room Charge/Night)     

# WAY OF PAYMENT    (Please check the appropriate box.)

       ( )1.  Payment through Bank             
                    I have sent the total amount on 
                                             (Name of Bank)
                    to the following account in Japanese yen.

               Name of Bank:      Tokai Bank, Nagoya Ekimae Branch
               Name of Account:   Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc. EC-ka
               Account No.:       1079574
               Address:		  Shirakawa Dai-san Bldg., 4-8-10 Meieki, 
                                  Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450  Japan

       ( )2.  Payment by Credit Card (not for domestic registrants)

                ( )American Express ( )Diners ( )Visa Card ( )Master Card

                Card No.:
		Date of Expiration:
          *  Note	1.  No personal checks are accepted.
	      	        2.  All payments should be made in Japanese yen.

          DATE:                       SIGNATURE:   
	       ----------------------		----------------------------
 Please send the completed form to the following address.  
  (by September 15, 1993)
     Travel Plaza International Chubu, Inc.
     Shirakawa Dai-san Bldg., 4-8-10 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450 Japan
     Phone:  +81-52-561-9880/8655          Fax:  +81-52-561-1241
                            Hotel Accommodations

Rooms have been reserved at the following hotels in Nagoya. Reservations 
should be made by completing and returning the enclosed Accomodations 
Applications Form, indicating the name of the hotel and the number of 
rooms desired. No reservation will be confirmed without a deposit. Hotel
assignment will be made on a first-come first-served basis.

The following rates include service charges and consumption taxes. The 
rate are subject to change for 1993, except for Hotel Nahoya Castle.

| Rank |  Name of Hotel  |   Single   |    Twin    | Twin Room  | 
|      |                 |    Room    |    Room    | Single Use |
| A  1 | Nagoya Hilton   |   -----    | 26,700 yen | 18,700 yen |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|    
|    2 | Hotel Nagoya    | 15,500 yen | 30,000 yen | 23,000 yen |
|      | Castle          |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|
|    3 | Nagoya Kanko    | 13,500 yen | 23,000 yen | 18,500 yen |
|      | Hotel           |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|
|    4 | Nagoya Tokyu    | 16,000 yen | 25,000 yen | 19,000 yen |
|      | Hotel           |            |            |            |
| B  5 | Nagoya Int'l    | 11,000 yen | 21,000 yen | 16,500 yen |
|      | Hotel           |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|    
|    6 | Hotel Castle    | 10,000 yen | 18,000 yen | 14,500 yen |
|      | Plaza           |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|
|    7 | Nagoya Daiichi  |  9,500 yen | 16,000 yen | 12,500 yen |
|      | Hotel           |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|
|    8 | Nagoya Fuji     |  9,300 yen | 16,500 yen | 13,800 yen |
|      | Park Hotel      |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|
|    9 | Hotel Lions     |  8,000 yen | 15,000 yen | 12,000 yen |
|      | Plaza           |            |            |            |
| C 10 | Daiichi Fuji    |  6,200 yen | 11,000 yen |   -----    |
|      | Hotel           |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|    
|   11 | Nagoya Crown    |  6,400 yen | 10,000 yen |   -----    |
|      | Hotel           |            |            |            |
|      |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|
|   12 | Nagoya Park     |  6,300 yen | 11,400 yen |   -----    |
|      | Side Hotetel    |            |            |            |

Note: Since the capacity of hotel is limited, hotel reservation
      cannot be guaranteed after September 15, 1993

Cancellation and Refund

If you wish to cancel your hotel reservation, please send a written
notification directly to TPI. Deposits will be refunded after
deducing the following cancellation charges. All refunds will be 
proceeded after the conference.
When notification is received by TPI:

Up to 20 days before the first night of stay  ------------------ Free
19-10 days before ---------------------------- 10% of the room charge 
9-5 days before ------------------------------ 20% of the room charge
4-2 days before ------------------------------ 50% of the room charge
One day before or no notice given ----------- 100% of the room charge

Shiro Usui  (usui at tut.ac.jp)
Biological and Physiological Engineering Lab.
Department of Information and Computer Sciences
Toyohashi University of Technology
Toyohashi 441, Japan		

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