Post-NIPS Workshop

Sat Oct 17 10:36:16 EDT 1992

I had excellent success with the call for presenters for my NIPS workshop
on "Reading the Entrails: Understanding What's Going on Inside a Neural
Net".  I now have all the speakers I can use, plus a couple of alternates
whom I hope to fit in as well, so please do not volunteer if you haven't
done so already.

I think this is a very exciting group of speakers.  I will be releasing
the final names as soon as I get final confirmation from a couple of

-- Scott
Scott E. Fahlman			Internet: sef+ at
Senior Research Scientist		Phone:    412 268-2575
School of Computer Science              Fax:      412 681-5739
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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