4 research posts

Noel Sharkey N.E.Sharkey at dcs.ex.ac.uk
Mon Nov 16 06:36:21 EST 1992

			   Research Posts

		    Centre for Connection Science
		    Department of Computer Science
			 University of Exeter

Four new research posts will be available (expected start January 1st,
1993) at the Centre for Connection Science, Department of Computer
Science, as part of a 3-year research project funded by the SERC/DTI
and led by Noel Sharkey and Derek Partridge.  The project will
investigate the reliability of software systems implemented as neural
nets using the multiversion programming strategy.

Two of the posts will at the post-doctoral level (grade 1A).  The
ideal applicant will be proficient in both neural computing and
software engineering (although training in one or the other may be
given).  In addition, there is a requirement for at least one of the
successful applicants to work on the formal analysis of network
implementation as a paradigm for reliable software.

The other two posts will be for Research Assistants/Experimental
Officers at grade 1b. One of these will be required to have a high
level of proficiency in C programming and general computing skills.
The other will be part-time, and preference will be given to an
applicant with good mathematical and engineering skills (particulary
control systems).

For more information please contact Lyn Shackelton
by email (lyn at dcs.ex.ac.uk or by telephone
(0392-264066 mornings 10.00-2.00).

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