Generalization ability of a BPTT-net

Walter Weber weber at
Wed Nov 11 04:51:41 EST 1992

Dear Connectionists,

let me first briefly introduce my work:
I'm just writing a masters' thesis at the Technical University of
Munich and i'm trying to deal with neural control. My goal is to let a
neural controller learn how to pull the gas- and brake-pedals of a car
in order to move in appropriate distance to a leading car.
Input signals are speed (v), dv/dt, distance (d) and dd/dt (all inputs
are coded in [0;1]) and there is only 1 output which varies from 0 to
1. (control signals for the brake are coded in [0;0.5], signals for
the gas-pedal are coded in [0.5;1] to get a continuous trajectory for
the control signals over time).
The training trajectories are from a PID-controller which was
implemented at BMW for the PROMETHEUS project.

I've done several aproaches to build up a net that could solve this
problem (Elman-net, Jordan-net, fully recurrent NN), but the most
promising approach seems to be the BPTT-algorithm applied to a
three-layer recurrent network with input connected to a fully
recurrent hidden layer and that hidden layer connected to the output.
The activation-function i use is a sigmoidal function with an offset,
the output produced varies in [0;1].
The learning ability of this BPTT-net is quite well (even very well if
i use teacher-forcing), but if i want the network to predict the
remaining part of a given trajectory after it used the first part
(mostly about 70 - 80%) as training data, the following problems
1. The net cannot perform peaks (short and strong pulls of the pedals)
   even if such data was learned well during training.
   (My idea about that was: the use of teacher forcing only makes
   training better but does not influence the generalization ability
   in a positive way, so the net can only perform what it was able to
   learn without teacher forcing. And only teacher forcing enabled the
   net to learn such peaks).
2. If a part of the test trajectory looks similar to a part of the
   training trajectory with the only difference is a offset between
   the two trajectory-parts (e.g. the part of the test trajectory
   varies between 0.6 and 0.8, the part of the training trajectory
   varies between 0.4 and 0.6) the network produces an output - in
   trying to approximate the test data - which would fit exactly the
   training data, but is wrong for the test data (with the error is
   the offset between the two trajectory-parts).
   How can i get rid of these offsets in the test data?

For my english is not very well, i hope one can understand the
problems i tried to describe above.
And if anybody has an answer to my questions, i would be very glad if
i got answers.
So thank you and bye,

--- Walter Weber

| weber at    Walter Weber                    |
|                                 FORWISS - TU Muenchen           |
| Tel.: 089/48095-229             Orleanstr. 34                   |
|                -231             D-8000 Muenchen 80              |

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