Call for Papers, NNSP'93

Gary M. Kuhn gmk at
Wed Nov 4 12:33:46 EST 1992

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

    1993 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing
            September 7-9, 1993 Baltimore, MD, USA

    Sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Neural Networks 
       in cooperation with the IEEE Neural Networks Council 

The third of a series of IEEE workshops on Neural Networks for Signal
Processing will be held at the Maritime Institute of Technology and
Graduate Studies, Linthicum, Maryland, USA, in September of 1993. Papers
are solicited for, but not limited to, the following topics:

1. Applications:
   Image processing and understanding, speech recognition,
   communications, sensor fusion, medical diagnoses, nonlinear adaptive
   filtering and other general signal processing and pattern recognition

2. Theory:
   Neural network system theory, identification and spectral estimation,
   and learning theory and algorithms.

3. Implementation:
   Digital, analog, and hybrid technologies and system development.

Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 copies of extended summaries
of no more than 6 pages. The top of the first page of the summary should
include a title, authors' names, affiliations, address, telephone and
fax numbers and email address if any. Camera-ready full papers
of accepted proposals will be published in a hard-bound volume by IEEE
and distributed at the workshop.  Due to workshop facility constraints,
attendance will be limited with priority given to those who submit
written technical contributions.  For further information, please
contact Karin Cermele at the NNSP'93 Princeton office,
(Tel.) +1 609 734 3383, (Fax) +1 609 734 6565, (e-mail)
kic at


Siemens Corporate Research
755 College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08540

Submission of extended summary:    February 15
Notification of acceptance:        April 19
Submission of photo-ready paper:   June 1
Advanced registration, before:     June 1
                         WORKSHOP COMMITTEE

General Chairs 
Gary Kuhn                          Barbara Yoon
Siemens Corporate Research         DARPA-MTO
755 College Road East              3701 N. Fairfax Dr.
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA           Arlington, VA 22203-1714 USA
gmk at           byoon at
Program Chair                      Proceedings Chair
Rama Chellappa                     Candace Kamm
Dept. of Electrical Engineering    Box 1910
University of Maryland             Bellcore, 445 South Street
College Park, MD 20742, USA        Morristown, NJ 07962, USA
chella at                 cak at 
Finance Chair 
Raymond Watrous 
Siemens Corporate Research 
755 College Road East 
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA 
watrous at  
Program Committee 
Joshua Alspector                   John Makhoul
Les Atlas                          B.S. Manjunath
Charles Bachmann                   Tomaso Poggio
Gerard Chollet	                   Jose Principe
Frank Fallside                     Ulrich Ramacher
Lee Giles                          Noboru Sonehara
S.J. Hanson                        Eduardo Sontag
Y.H. Hu                            J.A.A. Sorensen
B.H. Juang                         Yoh'ichi Tohkura
Shigeru Katagiri                   Christoph von der Malsburg
S.Y. Kung                          Christian Wellekens
Yann LeCun 

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