faculty position

I C G Campbell C.Campbell at bristol.ac.uk
Mon Nov 2 10:04:01 EST 1992

Department of Computer Science

Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Computer Science now


The Department is part of the Faculty of Engineering.   It  has  a
complement  of  eighteen  full-time  UFC-funded   staff   members,
together with a further twelve full-time outside-funded staff, and
two  Visiting  Industrial  Professors:  Professor  J.  M.   Taylor
(Director, Hewlett-Packard  Research  Laboratories,  Bristol)  and
Professor I.  M.  Barron.   There  are  three  Professors  in  the
Department: Professor M. H. Rogers, who is Head of Department, and
Professors J. W. Lloyd and D. H. D. Warren.

The Department has substantial research funding from ESPRIT, SERC,
industry and government.

The Department concentrates its research in three main areas:

Logic Programming
Parallel Computing
Machine  Intelligence

although a number of other topics are also being pursued.

For this appointment, we are looking for a strong candidate in any
area of Computer Science, although preference  will  be  given  to
candidates  with  research  interests  in  Parallel  Computing  or
Machine Intelligence.   We are particularly looking for candidates
whose interests will broaden and complement our  current  work  in
these areas.

Current work in  Parallel  Computing  covers  a  range  of  areas,
including parallel logic programming systems and languages, memory
organisation for multiprocessor architectures, shared data  models
for transputer-based systems, and parallel applications especially
for engineering problems and computer graphics.  We are seeking to
broaden and strengthen this research.  Candidates  with  a  strong
background in computer architecture would be particularly welcome.

Current work in Machine Intelligence centres  mainly  on  Computer
Vision and Speech  Processing.   One  major  project  in  Computer
Vision is the development of an autonomous road vehicle, based  on
real-time image analysis.  Other  research  projects  in  Computer
Vision include vehicle  number  plate  decoding,  aircraft  engine
inspection, and visual flow monitoring.  Current  work  on  Speech
Processing within the Department concentrates on speech synthesis,
but the Faculty supports  a  Centre  for  Communications  Research
within which  there  is  a  Speech  Research  Group  incorporating
researchers in most aspects of speech technology, including speech
recognition, speech coding, speech perception, and the  design  of
speech interfaces. There is an interest in neural  network  theory
and neural computing elsewhere in the Faculty and we would welcome
applications  from  candidates  in  this  area.

The Department has a flourishing undergraduate  and  post-graduate
teaching programme and participates in degree  programmes  in  the
Engineering, Science and Arts Faculties.   These  programmes  lead
to B.Sc. degrees in Computer Science, and  Computer  Science  with
Mathematics, a B.Eng. in Computer Systems Engineering, a  B.A.  in
Computer Science and a  Modern  Language,  and  M.Sc.  degrees  in
Computer Science,  Foundations  of  Artificial  Intelligence,  and
Information Engineering.

The salary will be within  the  Lecturer  Scale  and  the  initial
placement will depend on age, qualifications and experience.

The closing date for applications is 27th November 1992.

Further particulars may be obtained from the Head of the  Computer
Science    Department    (tel:     0272-303584;     or     e-mail:
barbara at bristol.uk.ac.compsci).

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