IEEE NNSP'92 program & registration form

Gary M. Kuhn gmk%idacrd at uunet.UU.NET
Thu May 14 23:04:05 EDT 1992

Dear Connectionists,

Attached, please find the e-mail version of the advance program
for IEEE NNSP'92, including registration form.  This Workshop will
be limited to about 200 persons.  Registration is on a first-come
first-serve basis.

Thank you.

Gary Kuhn - Publicity

Gary M. Kuhn			 Internet: gmk%idacrd.uucp at
CCRP - IDA			 UUCP:     princeton!idacrd!gmk
Thanet Road			 PHONE:    (609) 924-4600
Princeton, NJ 08540 USA		 FAX:      (609) 924-3061


		IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing
			  August 31 - September 2, 1992

	       The Danish Computational Neural Network Center CONNECT
	    The Electronics Institute, The Technical University of Denmark
	       In cooperation with the IEEE Signal Processing Society

	      Invitation to Participate in the 1992 IEEE Workshop on Neural
			Networks for Signal Processing.

      The members of the Workshop Organizing Committee welcome you to the
      1992 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing. The 1992
      Workshop is the second workshop held in this area. The first took
      place in 1991 in Princeton, NJ, USA. The Workshop is organized by the
      IEEE Technical Committee for Neural Networks and Signal Processing.
      The purpose of the Workshop is to foster informal technical interac-
      tion on topics related to the application of neural networks to signal
      processing problems.

			     Workshop Location

      The 1992 Workshop will be held at Hotel Marienlyst, Ndr. Strandvej 2,
      DK-3000 Helsingoer, Denmark, tel: +45 49202020, fax: +45 49262626.
      Helsingoer is a small town a little North of Copenhagen.
      The Workshop banquet will be held on Tuesday evening, September 1, at
      Kronborg Castle, which is situated close to the workshop hotel.

			    Workshop Proceedings

    The proceedings of the Workshop, entitled "Neural Networks for Signal
    Processing - Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Workshop", will be distributed
    at the Workshop. The registration fee covers one copy of the proceedings.

			  Registration Information

    The Workshop registration information is given in the end of this
    program. It is possible to apply for a limited number of partial travel
    and registration grants via Program Chair.
    The address is given in the end of this program.

			      Program Overview

    Time     |  Monday 31/8-92   |   Tuesday 1/9-92    |  Wednesday 2/9-92
    8:15 AM  |  Opening Remarks  |                     |
    8:30 AM  | Opening Keynote   |   Keynote Address   | Keynote Address
	     | Address           |                     |
    9:30 AM  | Learning & Models |     Speech 2        | Nonlinear Filtering
	     | (Lecture)         |     (Lecture)       | by Neural Networks
	     |		         |                     | (Lecture)
    11:00 AM |      Break        |       Break         |       Break
    11:30 AM |     Speech 1      | Learning, System-   | Image Processing and
	     | (Poster preview)  | identification and  | Pattern Recognition
	     |	                 | Spectral Estimation | (Poster preview)
	     |	                 |   (Poster preview)  |
    12:30 PM |      Lunch        |       Lunch         |        Lunch
    1:30 PM  |     Speech 1      |  Learning, System-  | Image Processing and
	     |     (Poster)      | identification and  | Pattern Recognition
	     |	                 | Spectral Estimation |       (Poster)
	     |                   |      (Poster)       |
    2:45 PM  |      Break        |        Break        |        Break
    3.15 PM  |     System        | Image Processing and | Application Driven
	     | Implementations   |      Analysis        |   Neural Models
	     |   (Lecture)       |      (Lecture)       |     (Lecture)
    Evening  | Panel Discussion  | Visit and Banquet at |
	     |     (8 PM)	 |  Kronborg Castle     |

				Evening Events

    A Pre-Workshop reception will be held at Hotel Marienlyst at 7:00 PM on
    Sunday, August 30, 1992. Tuesday, September 1, 1992, 5:00 PM visit to
    Kronborg Castle and 7:00 PM banquet at the Castle.


			    Monday, August 31, 1992

     8:15 AM;  Opening Remarks:
	     S.Y. Kung, F. Fallside, Workshop Chairs,
	     Benny Lautrup, connect, Denmark,
	     John Aa. Sorensen, Workshop Program Chair.

     8:30 AM;  Opening Keynote:
	     System Identification Perspective of Neural Networks
	     Professor Lennart Ljung, Department of Electrical Engineering,
	     Linkoping University, Sweden.

     9:30 AM;  Learning & Models (Lecture Session)
	     Chair: Jenq-Neng Hwang, Department of Electrical Engineering
		    University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.

	  1. "Towards Faster Stochastic Gradient Search", Christian
	     Darken, John Moody Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.

	  2. "Inserting Rules into Recurrent Neural Networks",
	     C.L. Giles, NEC Research Inst., Princeton, C.W. Omlin,
	     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA.

	  3. "On the Complexity of Neural Networks with Sigmoidal
	     Units", Kai-Yeung Siu, University of California, Irvine, CA,
	     Vwani Roychowdhury, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
	     Thomas Kailath, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.

	  4. "A Generalization Error Estimate for Nonlinear Systems",
	     Jan Larsen, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.

     11:00 AM; Coffe break
     11:30 AM; Speech 1, (Oral previews of the afternoon poster session)
	      Chair: Paul Dalsgaard, Institute of Electronic Systems,
		     Aalborg University, Denmark.

	  1. "Interactive Query Learning for Isolated Speech Recognition",
	     Jenq-Neng Hwang, Hang Li, University of Washington,
	     Seattle, WA, USA.

	  2. "Adaptive Template Method for Speech Recognition",
	     Yadong Liu, Yee-Chun Lee, Hsing-Hen Chen, Guo-Zheng Sun,
	     University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.

	  3. "Fuzzy Partition Models and Their Effect in Continous
	     Speech Recognition", Yoshinaga Kato, Masahide Sugiyama,
	     ATR Interpreting Telephony Research Laboratories, Kyoto,

	  4. "Empirical Risk Optimization: Neural Networks and
	     Dynamic Programming", Xavier Driancourt, Patrick Gallinari,
	     Universite' de Paris Sud, Orsay, France.

	  5. "Text-Independent Talker Identification System Combining
	     Connectionist and Conventional Models", Thierry Artieres,
	     Younes Bennani, Patrick Gallinari, Universite' de Paris
	     Sud, Orsay, France.

	  6. "A Two Layer Kohonen Neural Network using a Cochlear
	     Model as a Front-End Processor for a Speech Recognition System",
	     S. Lennon, E. Ambikairajah, Regional Technical College, Athlone,

	  7. "Self-Structuring Hidden Control Neural Models",
	     Helge B.D. Sorensen, Uwe Hartmann, Institute of Electronic
	     Systems, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.

	  8. "Connectionist-Based Acoustic Word Models",
	     Chuck Wooters, Nelson Morgan, International Computer Science
	     Institute, Berkeley, CA, USA.

	  9. "Maximum Mutual Information Training of a Neural
	     Predictive-Based HMM Speech Recognition System",
	     K. Hassanein, L. Deng, M. Elmasry, University of Waterloo,
	     Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

	 10. "Training Continous Density Hidden Markov Models in
	     Association with Self-Organizing Maps and LVQ",
	     Mikko Kurimo, Kari Torkkola, Helsinki University of Technology,

	 11. "Unsupervised Sequence Classification", Jorg Kindermann,
	     GMD-FIT.KI, Schloss Birlinghoven, Germany, Christoph Windheuser,
	     Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA.

	 12. "A Mathematical Model for Speech Processing",
	     Anna Esposito, Universita di Salerno, Salvatore Rampone,
	     I.R.S.I.P-C.N.R, Napoli, Cesare Stanzione, International
	     Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies, Salerno,
	     Roberto Tagliaferri, Universita di Salerno, Italy.

	 13. "A New Voice and Pitch Estimator based on the Neocognitron",
	     J.R.E.  Moxham, P.A. Jones, H. McDermott, G.M. Clark,
	     Australian Bionic Ear and Hearing Research Institute, East
	     Melbourne 3002, Victoria, Australia.

    12:30 PM; Lunch
     1:30 PM; Speech 1, (Poster Session)
     2:45 PM; Break
     3:15 PM; System Implementations (Lecture session)
	Chair: Yu Hen Hu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
	       University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.

	1. "CCD's for Pattern Recognition", Alice M. Chiang, Lincoln
	   Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA.

	2. "An Electronic Parallel Neural CAM for Decoding",
	   Joshua Alspector, Bellcore, Morristown, NJ,
	   Anthony Jayakumar Bon Ngo, Cornell, Ithaca, NY, USA.

	3. "Netmap-Software Tool for Mapping Neural Networks onto
	   Parallel Computers", K. Wojtek Przytula, Hughes Research Labs,
	   Malibu, CA, Viktor Prasanna, University of California,
	   Wei-Ming Lin, Mississippi State University, USA.

	4. "A Fast Simulator for Neural Networks on DSPs of FPGAs",
	   M. Ade, R. Lauwereins, J. Peperstraete, ESAT-Elektrotechniek,
	   Heverlee, Belgium.

			  Tuesday, September 1, 1992

     8:30 AM; Keynote Address:

	"Capacity Control in Classifiers for Pattern Recognition"
	Dr. Sara Solla, AT\&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA.

     9:30 AM; Speech 2, (Lecture Session)
	Chair: S. Katagiri, ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research
	       Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan.

	1. "Speech Representations for Recognition by Neural Networks",
	   B.H. Juang, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA.

	2. "Classification with a Codebook-Excited Neural Network"
	   Lizhong Wu, Frank Fallside, Cambridge University, UK.

	3. "Minimal Classification Error Optimization for a Speaker Mapping
	   Neural Network", Masahide Sugiyama, Kentaro Kurinami,
	   ATR Interpreting Telephony Research Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan.

	4. "On the Identification of Phonemes Using Acoustic-Phonetic
	   Features Derived by a Self-Organising Neural Network",
	   Paul Dalsgaard, Ove Andersen, Rene Jorgensen, Institute of
	   Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark.

    11:00 AM; Coffe break
    11:30 AM; Learning, System Identification and Spectral Estimation.
	      (Oral previews of afternoon poster session)
	 Chair: Lars Kai Hansen, connect, Electronics Institute,
		Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.

	  1. "Prediction of Chaotic Time Series Using Recurrent
	     Neural Networks", Jyh-Ming Kuo, Jose C. Principe,
	     Bert deVries, University of Florida, FL, USA.

	  2. "Nonlinear System Identification using Multilayer
	     Perceptrons with Locally Recurrent Synaptic Structure",
	     Andrew Back, Ah Chung Tsoi, University of Queensland, Australia.

	  3. "Chaotic Signal Emulation using a Recurrent Time Delay
	     Neural Network", Michael R. Davenport, Department of
	     Physics, U.B.C., Shawn P. Day, Department of Electrical
	     Engineering, U.B.C., Vancouver, Canada.

	  4. "Prediction with Recurrent Networks", Niels Holger Wulff,
	     Niels Bohr Institute, John A. Hertz, Nordita,
	     Copenhagen, Denmark.

	  5. "Learning of Sinusoidal Frequencies by Nonlinear
	     Constrained Hebbian Algorithms", Juha Karhunen, Jyrki
	     Joutsensalo, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

	  6. "A Neural Feed-Forward Network with a Polynomial
	     Nonlinearity", Nils Hoffmann, Technical University of
	     Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.

	  7. "Application of Frequency-Domain Neural Networks to the
	     Active Control of Harmonic Vibrations in Nonlinear
	     Structural Systems", T.J. Sutton, S.J. Elliott
	     University of Southampton, England.

	  8. "Generalization in Cascade-Correlation Networks",
	     Steen Sjoegaard, Aarhus University, Denmark.

	  9. "Noise Density Estimation Using Neural Networks",
	     M.T. Musavi, D.M. Hummels, A.J. Laffely, S.P. Kennedy,
	     University of Maine, Maine, USA.

	 10. "An Efficient Model for Systems with Complex Responses",
	     Volker Tresp, Ira Leuthausser, Ralph Neuneier, Martin
	     Schlang, Siemens AG, Munchen, Klaus Abraham-Fuchs,
	     Wolfgang Harer, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany.

	 11. "Generalized Feedforward Filters with Complex Poles",
	     T. Oliveira e Silva, P. Guedes de Oliveira,
	     Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal,
	     J.C. Principe, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL,
	     B. De Vries, David Sarnoff Research Center, Princeton, NJ, USA.

	 12. "A Simple Genetic Algorithm Applied to Discontinous
	     Regularization", John Bach Jensen, Mads Nielsen, DIKU,
	     University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

    12:30 PM; Lunch
     1:30 PM; Learning, System Identification and Spectral Estimation.
			     (Poster Session)
     2:45 PM; Break
     3:15 PM; Image Processing and Analysis. (Lecture session)
       Chair: K. Wojtek Przytula, Huges Research Labs, Malibu, CA, USA.

	 1. "Decision-Based Hierarchical Perceptron (HiPer) Networks with
	    Signal/Image Classification Applications",
	    S.Y. Kung, J.S. Taur, Princeton University, NJ, USA.

	 2. "Lateral Inhibition Neural Networks for Classification
	    of Simulated Radar Imagery", Charles M. Bachmann, Scott
	    A. Musman, Abraham Schultz, Naval Research Laboratory,
	    Washington, USA.

	 3. "Globally Trained Neural Network Architecture for Image
	    Compression", L. Schweizer, G. Parladori, Alcatel Italia,
	    Milano, G.L. Sicuranza, Universita'di Trieste, Italy.

	 4. "Robust Identification of Human-Faces Using Mosaic
	    Pattern and BPN", Makoto Kosugi, NTT Human Interface
	    Laboratories, Take Yokosukashi Kanagawaken, Japan.

     5:00 PM; Departure to Kronborg Castle
     7:00 PM; Banquet at Kronborg Castle

		     Wednesday, September 2, 1992

     8:30 AM; Keynote Address:

	     "Application Perspectives of the DARPA Artificial Neural
	     Network Technology Program"
	     Dr. Barbara Yoon, DARPA/MTO, Arlington, VA, USA.

     9:30 AM; "Nonlinear Filtering by Neural Networks (Lecture Session)"
	Chair: Gary M. Kuhn, CCRP-IDA, Princeton, NJ, USA.

	 1. "Neural Networks and Nonparametric Regression",
	     Vladimir Cherkassky, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.

	 2. "A Partial Analysis of Stochastic Convergence for a
	     Generalized Two-Layer Perceptron using Backpropagation",
	     Jeffrey L. Vaughn, Neil J. Bershad, University of California,
	     Irvine, John J. Shynk, University of California, Santa Barbara,
	     CA, USA.

	 3. "A Recurrent Neural Network for Nonlinear Time Series
	     Prediction - A Comparative Study", S.S. Rao, S. Sethuraman,
	     V. Ramamurti, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA.

	 4. "Dispersive Networks for Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering",
	     Shawn P. Day, Michael R. Davenport, University of British
	     Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

      11:00 AM; Coffe break
      11:30 AM; Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
		(Oral previews of afternoon poster sessions)
	 Chair: Benny Lautrup, connect, Niels Bohr Institute,
		Copenhagen, Denmark.

	   1. "Unsupervised Multi-Level Segmentation of Multispectral Images",
	      R.A. Fernandes, Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science,
	      Richmond Hill, M.E. Jernigan, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,
	      Ontario, Canada.

	   2. "Autoassociative Neural Networks for Image Compression:
	      A Massively Parallel Implementation", Andrea Basso,
	      Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

	   3. "Compression of Subband-Filtered Images via Neural
	      Networks", S. Carrato, S. Marsi, University of Trieste,
	      Trieste, Italy.

	   4. "An Adaptive Neural Network Model for Distinguishing
	      Line- and Edge Detection from Texture Segregation",
	      M.M. Van Hulle, T.Tollenaere, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
	      Leuven, Belgium.

	   5. "Adaptive Segmentation of Textured Images using Linear
	      Prediction and Neural Networks", Stefanos Kollias,
	      Levon Sukissian, National Technical University of Athens,
	      Athen, Greece.

	   6. "Neural Networks for Segmentation and Clustering of
	      Biomedical Signals", Martin F. Schlang, Volker Tresp,
	      Siemens, Munich, Klaus Abraham-Fuchs, Wolfgang Harer,
	      Siemens, Erlangen, Germany.

	   7. "Some New Results in Nonlinear Predictive Image Coding
	      Using Neural Networks", Haibo Li, Linkoping University,
	      Linkoping, Sweden.

	   8. "A Neural Network Approach to Multi-Sensor Point-of-Interest
	      Detection", Ajay N. Jain, Alliant Techsystems Inc., Hopkins,
	      MN, USA.

	   9. "Supervised Learning on Large Redundant Trainingsets",
	      Martin F. Moller, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.

	  10. "Neural Network Detection of Small Moving Radar Targets
	      in an Ocean Environment", Jane Cunningham, Simon Haykin,
	      McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

	  11. "Discrete Neural Networks and Fingerprint Identification",
	      Steen Sjoegaard, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.

	  12. "Image Recognition using a Neural Network", Keng-Chung Ho,
	      Bin-Chang Chieu, National Taiwan Institute of Technology,
	      Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.

	  13. "Adaptive Training of Feedback Neural Networks for
	      Non-Linear Filtering and Control: I - A General Approach."
	      O. Nerrand, P. Roussel-Ragot, L. Personnaz, G. Dreyfus,
	      Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles,
	      Paris, S. Marcos, Ecole Superieure d'Electricite,
	      Gif Sur Yvette, France.

     12:30 PM; Lunch
      1:30 PM; Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (Poster Session)
      2:45 PM; Break
      3:15 PM; Application Driven Neural Models (Lecture session)
	 Chair: Sathyanarayan S. Rao, Department of Electrical Engineering
		Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA.

	  1. "Artificial Neural Network for ECG Arrhythmia Monitoring",
	     Y.H. Hu, W.J. Tompkins, Q. Xue, University of Wisconsin-
	     Madison, WI, USA.

	  2. "Constructing Neural Networks for Contact Tracking",
	     Christopher M. DeAngelis, Naval Underwater Warfare Center,
	     Rhode Island, Robert W. Green, University of Massachusetts
	     Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA, USA.

	  3. "Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer Using Forward-Only
	     Counterpropagation Networks for Rayleigh Fading Channels",
	     Ryuji Kaneda, Takeshi Manabe, Satoshi Fujii,
	     ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories,
	     Kyoto, Japan.

	 13. "Ensemble Methods for Handwritten Digit Recognition",
	     Lars Kai Hansen, Technical University of Denmark,
	     Christian Liisberg, Risoe National Laboratory,
	     Denmark, Peter Salamon, San Diego State University,
	     San Diego, CA, USA.

			 Workshop Committee

     General Chairs:

     S.Y. Kung                          F. Fallside
     Dept. of Electrical Engineering    Engineering Department
     Princeton University               Cambridge University
     Princeton, NJ 08544, USA           Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK
     email: kung at          email: fallside at

     Program Chair:                     Proceedings Chair:

     John Aa. Sorensen                  Candace Kamm
     Electronics Institute, Build 349   Box 1910
     Technical University of Denmark    Bellcore, 445 South Street
     DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark            Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
     email: jaas at        email: cak at

     Publicity Chair:

     Gary M. Kuhn
     CCRP - IDA
     Thanet Road
     Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
     gmk%idacrd.uucp at

     Program Committee:

     Ronald de Beer          Jenq-Neng Hwang        John E. Moody
     John Bridle             Yu Hen Hu              Carsten Peterson
     Erik Bruun              B.H. Juang             Sathyanarayan S. Rao
     Paul Dalsgaard          S. Katagiri            Peter Salamon
     Lee Giles               T. Kohonen             Christian J. Wellekens
     Lars Kai Hansen         Gary M. Kuhn           Barbara Yoon
     Steffen Duus Hansen     Benny Lautrup
     John Hertz              Peter Koefoed Moeller


		 1992 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for
	    Signal Processing. August 31 - September 2, 1992.

     Registration fee including single room and meals at Hotel
     Marienlyst:   Before July 15, 1992, Danish Kr. 5200.
		   After July 15, 1992, Danish Kr. 5350.
     Companion fee at Hotel Marienlyst: Danish Kr. 1160.
     Registration fee without hotel room:
		   Before July 15, 1992, Danish Kr. 2800.
		   After July 15, 1992, Danish Kr. 2950.

     The registration fee of Danish Kr. 5200 (5350) covers:
	. Attendance at all workshop sessions.
	. Workshop Proceedings.
	. Pre-Workshop reception at Sunday evening, August 30, 1992.
	. Hotel single room from August 30 to September 2, 1992. (3 nights).
	. 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 banquet.
	. Coffe breaks and refreshments.
	. A Companion fee of additional Danish Kr. 1160 covers double room
	    at Hotel Marienlyst and the Pre-Workshop reception, breakfasts
	    and the banquet for 2 persons.

     The registration fee without hotel room: Danish Kr. 2800 (2950) covers:
	. Attendance at all workshop sessions.
	. Workshop Proceedings.
	. 3 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 banquet.
	. Coffe breaks and refreshments.

     Further information on registration: Ms. Anette Moeller-Uhl,
     The Niels Bohr Institute, tel: +45 3142 1616 ext. 388,
     fax: +45 3142 1016, email: uhl at

     Please complete this form (type or print clearly) and mail with payment
     (by check, do not include cash) to:
     NNSP-92, CONNECT, The Niels Bohr Institute,
     Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.

     Name ------------------------------------------------------------------
		   Last               First              Middle

     Firm of University ----------------------------------------------------

     Mailing Address -------------------------------------------------------

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