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Tom Shultz
shultz at
Tue May 12 08:42:23 EDT 1992
Subject: Abstract
Date: 12 May '92
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The following paper has been placed in the Neuroprose archive at
Ohio State University:
A Constraint Satisfaction Model of Cognitive Dissonance Phenomena
Thomas R. Shultz
Department of Psychology
McGill University
Mark R. Lepper
Department of Psychology
Stanford University
A constraint satisfaction network model simulated cognitive
dissonance data from the insufficient justification and free choice
paradigms. The networks captured the psychological regularities in
both paradigms. In the case of free choice, the model fit the human
data better than did cognitive dissonance theory.
This paper will be presented at the Fourteenth Annual Conference of
the Cognitive Science Society, Indiana University, 1992.
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Tom Shultz
Department of Psychology
McGill University
1205 Penfield Avenue
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1B1
shultz at
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