Ninth International Machine Learning Conference (ML92)

ML92 Aberdeen ml92 at
Fri May 8 14:02:30 EDT 1992

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                                1 - 3 JULY 1992

                          Registration Information

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that 
ML92, the Ninth International Machine Learning Conference, will be held 
at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, July 1-3, 1992. Informal 
workshop sessions will be held immediately after the conference on 
Saturday, July 4, 1992.

The conference will feature invited speakers, technical and poster 
sessions. The invited speakers for ML92 are: 

*  David Klahr   Carnegie-Mellon University, USA
*  Ivan Bratko   Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
*  Jude Shavlik  University of Wisconsin, USA

The registration fees for ML92 are as follows: Normal - Pound Sterling
115, Student - Pound Sterling 75. These fees cover conference
participation, proceedings, teas and coffees during breaks and a
number of evening receptions. The deadline for registration is May 29,
1992. After this date, a late fee of Pound Sterling 20 will be
charged. Cancellation fees are as follows: before May 29 - Pound
Sterling 10, May 30 to June 30 - Pound Sterling 20, after June 30 - at
the discretion of the General Chairman. 


A large number of rooms in university halls of residence (student dorms) 
have been available for ML92 delegates. Delegates requiring on-campus 
accommodation must return completed forms by May 29, 1992 - after that 
date accommodation cannot be guaranteed. In addition, block bookings 
have been made with three city centre hotels (all approx. 30 minutes 
walk, or a short bus ride from the conference venue.) 

Rates are as follows:

University Hall
(Student Dorm)
                                       Single: Pound Sterling  18.50

Copthorne Hotel
                                       Single: Pound Sterling  72.50
                                       Double: Pound Sterling  87.50	

Brentwood Hotel

       Tues June 30 - Thurs July 2:    Single: Pound Sterling  48.00   
                                       Double: Pound Sterling  58.00	

       Fri July 3 & Sat July 4:        Single: Pound Sterling  28.00   
                                       Double: Pound Sterling  38.00

Caledonian Thistle Hotel

       Tues June 30 - Thurs July 2:    Single: Pound Sterling  88.20   
                                       Double: Pound Sterling 103.50

       Fri July 3 & Sat July 4:        Single: Pound Sterling  38.00   
                                       Double: Pound Sterling  76.00

     All double room prices are based on 2 people occupying room.
     All prices include breakfast except for Caledonian Thistle on June 
     30, July 1 & July 2.

University accommodation should be booked using the conference 
registration form. Delegates requiring hotel accommodation should 
contact the hotels directly using the contact information below. When 
booking hotel accommodation delegates must mention ML92 to qualify for 
conference rates and should contact hotels before May 29, 1992, after 
which accommodation cannot be guaranteed.

Copthorne Hotel                    Brentwood Hotel	      
122 Huntly Street                  101 Crown Street        
Aberdeen, AB1 1SU                  Aberdeen, AB1 2HH	      
SCOTLAND                           SCOTLAND                

Tel.   +44 224 630404              Tel. +44 224 595440	    
Fax    +44 224 640573              Fax  +44 224 571593	    
Telex          739707              Telex        739316	          

Caledonian Thistle Hotel
Union Terrace
Aberdeen, AB9 1HE

Tel.    +44 224 640233
Fax     +44 224 641627
Telex            73758


Lunch will be provided on campus, close to the conference venue. Cost: 
Pound Sterling 5.00 per day. All delegates are recommended to select
conference lunches - as there are no alternatives close to the campus.
Please indicate on the registration form the days on which you require
lunch.  (The cost of lunch on Saturday July 4 is included in the
workshop fee.)     


The conference dinner will be held on the evening of Friday, July 3 at 
the Pittodrie House Hotel, a country hotel outside Aberdeen. Places are 
limited and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Cost 
of the meal plus transport: Pound Sterling 27.00.


A number of informal workshops are to be held on Saturday July 4, 
immediately after the conference. The five workshops are:

1. Biases in Inductive Learning
   Coordinator: Diana Gordon (Naval Research Lab, Washington DC, USA)

2. Computational Architectures for Supporting Knowledge Acquisition & 
   Machine Learning
   Coordinator: Mike Weintraub (GTE labs., USA)

3. Integrated Learning in Real-World Domains
   Coordinator: Patricia Riddle (Boeing, Seattle, USA)

4. Knowledge Compilation & Speedup Learning
   Coordinator: Prasad Tadepalli (Oregon State University, USA)

5. Machine Discovery
   Coordinator: Jan Zytkow (Wichita State University, USA)


An accompanying persons program will be organized if numbers merit it. 
The area around Aberdeen has a high concentration of historic sites, 
castles, etc. and some of the most beautiful countryside in Scotland. 


Delegates travelling from the USA can now fly direct to Scotland. 
American Airlines fly Chicago to Glasgow, while British Airways fly New 
York to Glasgow. A regular rail service links Glasgow's Queen Street 
station to Aberdeen. A number of airlines fly direct to Aberdeen from 
European cities: Air France (Paris), SAS (Copenhagen) & AirUK 
(Amsterdam). Aberdeen is also served by regular flights from several UK 
airports: Manchester (British Airways, DanAir), London Gatwick (DanAir), 
London Heathrow (British Airways), Stansted (AirUK). A frequent high 
speed rail service links Aberdeen to London - journey time approx. 8 
hours (Sleeper services are available).


Delegates wishing to arrange holidays in Scotland for the period 
immediately before or after the conference may wish to contact 
Chieftain Tours Ltd, who can offer help with car hire, hotel bookings, 
etc. Please mention ML92 when contacting Chieftain Tours. Please note 
that all correspondence regarding holidays must be done direct with the 
tour company and not through the ML92 organizers. Chieftain Tours can 
also provide information about low-cost flights to Scotland from the USA 
and Canada.

Contact details for Chieftain Tours:

   Chieftain Tours Ltd.
   A8 Whitecrook Centre              Tel     +44 41 9511470
   Whitecrook Street, Clydebank      Fax     +44 41 9511467
   Glasgow, Scotland G81 1QF         Telex           778169

Delegates from the USA may wish to make use of the following toll free 
fax number: 1 800 352 4350


Payment may be by cheque or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). Cheques 
must be in pounds sterling and must be made payable to "University of 

Completed registration forms should be returned by mail or fax to:

ML92 Registrations
Department of Computing Science
King's College
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, AB9 2UB                 Tel    +44 224 272296
SCOTLAND                          Fax    +44 224 487048

(Please note - registration by email is not acceptable.)


                         ML92 REGISTRATION FORM

Please complete this form in typescript or BLOCK capitals and send to: 
ML92 Registrations, Department of Computing Science, King's College, 
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB9 2UB, SCOTLAND.


Name             ___________________________________________

Address          ___________________________________________






Email            ___________________________________________

Telephone No.    ___________________________________________

Fax No.          ___________________________________________


Delegates requiring reduced (student) fee must provide proof of status 
(such as xerox of student ID). Please tick the appropriate boxes below.

Normal Registration            Pound Sterling 115.00             |  |

Student	Registration           Pound Sterling  75.00             |  |

Late Fee (after May 29) Pound Sterling 20.00                     |  |

                                   Registration Total     -----------
                                    (Pound Sterling):     |         |    

Use this section to book university hall (student dorm) accommodation. 
(Pound Sterling 18.50 per night)

University Hall (Single room)

Tuesday June 30      |  |
Wednesday July 1     |  |
Thursday July 2      |  |
Friday July 3        |  |
Saturday July 4      |  |

Delegates requiring on-campus accommodation must return forms by May 29, 
1992. Delegates whose completed forms arrive after this date cannot be 
guaranteed accommodation.

                                  Accommodation Total     -----------
                                  (Pound Sterling):       |         |

Please indicate the days on which you require lunch 
(Cost: Pound Sterling 5.00 per day)

Wednesday July 1     |  |
Thursday July 2      |  |
Friday July 3        |  |
                                    Lunch Total           -----------
                                    (Pound Sterling):     |         |

Yes - I wish to attend the ML92 Conference Dinner                ----
                            (Pound Sterling 27.00)               |  |

                                    Dinner Total          -----------
                                    (Pound Sterling):     |         |


Please indicate below if you require a special diet.

Vegetarian      |  |
Vegan           |  |
Other (please specify)       |              |


Please indicate the number of persons                     ----------
likely to accompany you to the conference.                |        |


Yes - I will be attending the ML92 workshops                    |  |
No - I will not be attending the ML92 workshops                 |  |

If yes, please indicate which workshop you wish to attend:

Biases in Inductive Learning                                    |  |
Computational Architectures for Supporting                      |  |
Knowledge Acquisition & Machine Learning                        ----

Integrated Learning in Real-World Domains                       |  |
Knowledge Compilation & Speedup Learning                        |  |
Machine Discovery                                               |  |

The workshop fee includes the cost of the workshop proceedings, lunch
on July 4 plus teas/coffees during breaks.

Normal           Pound Sterling 20              |  |

Student          Pound Sterling 15              |  |
                                    Workshop Total        -----------
                                    (Pound Sterling):     |         |

                                    FINAL TOTAL           -----------
                                    (Pound Sterling):     |         |

	   Please charge my VISA / MASTERCARD   (delete as appropriate)

(as it appears on card)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 

Card Number    
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  

Expiry Date         |  |  | / |  |  | 

Amount              --------------------
(Pound Sterling):   |  |  |  | . |  |  |

Signature        _________________________________________________

     ** The credit card payment facility for ML92 is available **
   ** as a result of the generous support of Bank of Scotland plc.**

	   I enclose a pounds sterling cheque made payable to
    "University of Aberdeen" for : 
                                                         |         |

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