Nominations Sought for IEEE NNC Awards

Bradley Dickinson bradley at ivy.Princeton.EDU
Sun Mar 15 19:21:16 EST 1992

Nominations Sought for IEEE Neural Networks Council Awards

The IEEE Neural Networks Council is soliciting nominations for 
its two awards.   The awards will be presented at the June 1992
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.  Nominations
for these awards should be submitted in writing according to the
instructions given below.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Outstanding Paper Award

This is an award of $500 for the outstanding paper published in the 
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks in the previous two-year period.
For 1992, all papers published in 1990 (Volume 1) and in 1991 (Volume 2)
in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks are eligible.  For a paper 
with multiple authors, the award will be shared by the coauthors.    

Nominations must include a written statement describing the outstanding 
characteristics of the paper.   The deadline for receipt of nominations
is April 20, 1992.  Nominations should be sent to Prof. Bradley W.
Dickinson, NNC Awards Chair, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ  08544-5263.  
IEEE Neural Networks Council Pioneer Award

This award has been established to recognize and honor the vision of
those people whose efforts resulted in significant contributions to the 
early concepts and developments in the neural networks field.  
Up to three awards may be presented annually to outstanding individuals 
whose main contribution has been made at least fifteen years earlier.
The recognition is engraved on the Neural Networks Pioneer Medal specially
struck for the Council.

Selection of Pioneer Medalists will be based on nomination letters received 
by the Pioneer Awards Committee.  All who meet the contribution requirements
are eligible, and anyone can nominate.  The award is not approved
posthumously.  Written nomination letters must include a detailed description
of the nominee's contributions and must be accompanied by full
supporting documentation.  For the 1992 Pioneer Award, nominations must be
received by April 20, 1992.  Nominations should be sent to Prof. Bradley
W. Dickinson, NNC Pioneer Award Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ  08544-5263.
Questions and preliminary inquiries about the above awards should be
directed to Prof. Bradley W. Dickinson, NNC Awards Chair; 
telephone: (609)-258-2916, electronic mail: bradley at

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