Symposium announcement

Georg Dorffner georg at
Wed Mar 4 11:57:45 EST 1992


                                  Symposium on

                                 as part of the
                           Eleventh European Meeting
                  on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR)

                              April 21 - 24, 1992
                         University of Vienna, Austria

                         Noel Sharkey (Univ. of Exeter)
                        Georg Dorffner (Univ. of Vienna)

        The following papers will be presented:

                          Thursday afternoon (Apr. 23)

        Conflict Detection in Asynchronous Winner-Take-All Structures
        M.Deng, Penn State Univ., USA

        Weightless Neurons and Categorisation Modelling
        M.H.Gera, Univ. of London, UK

        Semantic Transitions in a Hierarchical Memory Network
        M.Herrmann, M.Usher, Tel Aviv Univ., ISR

        Type Generalisations on Distributed Representations
        D.Mundi, N.E.Sharkey, Univ. of Exeter, UK

        Non-Conceptual Content and Parallel Distributed Processing,
        a Match Made in Cognitive Science Heaven?
        R.L.Chrisley, Univ. of Oxford, UK

        Aspects of Rules and Connectionism
        E.Prem, Austrian Research Inst. for AI, A

                           Friday Morning (April 24)

        Sub-symbolic Inference: Inferring Verb Meaning
        A.Baldwin, Univ. of Exeter, UK

        Mental Models in Connectionist Networks
        V.Ajjanagadde, Univ. of Tuebingen, D

        Connectionism and the Issue of Compositionality and
        L.Niklasson, N.E.Sharkey, Univ. of Skoevde, S

                                Friday Afternoon

        The Causal Role of the Constituents of Superpositional
        N.E.Sharkey, Univ. of Exeter, UK

        followed by a moderated discussion with all previous presenters

                            Section Neural Networks

        EMG/EEG Pattern Recognition by Neural Networks
        A.Hiraiwa, N.Uchida, K.Shimohara, NTT Human Interface Labs., J

        Simulation of Navigation of Mobile Robots with Non-Centralized
        Neuromorphic Control
        L.F.B. Almeida, E.P.L.Passos, Inst.Militar de Engenharia, BRA

        Weightless and Threshold-Controlled Neurocomputing
        O.Kufudaki, J.Horejs, Czechoslovak Acad.of Sciences, CS

        Neural Networks Learning with Genetic Algorithms
        P.M.Palagi, L.A.V. de Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, BRA

                                     - * -

        Among the plenary lectures of the  conference,  Tuesday  morning
        will feature

        Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Soft Computing
        L. Zadeh, UC Berkeley, USA

        Furthermore,  the  conference  will  include  symposia  on   the
        following topics:

        - General Systems Methodology
        - Mathematical Systems Theory
        - Computer Aided Process Interpretation
        - Fuzzy Sets, Approximate Reasoning and Knowledge-Based Systems
        - Designing and Systems
        - Humanity, Architecture and Conceptualization
        - Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology
        - Cybernetics in Medicine
        - Cybernetics of Socio-Economic Systems
        - Systems, Management and Organization
        - Cybernetics of National Development
        - Communication and Computers
        - Intelligent Autonomous Systems
        - Artificial Intelligence
        - Impacts of Artificial Intelligence

        Conference  Fee:  AS  2,400  for  contributors,  AS  3,400   for
        participants.  (incl.proceedings (2 volumes) and two receptions;
        12 AS = 1 US$ approx.).

        The proceedings will also be  available  from  World  Scientific
        Publishing  Co., entitled "Cybernetics and Systems '92; R.Trappl

        Registration will be  possible  at  the  conference  site  (main
        building of the University of Vienna). You can also contact:

           EMCSR Conference Secretariat
           Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
           Schottengasse 3
           A-1010 Vienna, Austria

           Tel: +43 1 535 32 810
           Fax: +43 1 63 06 52
           Email: sec at

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