Composite networks
pratt at
Tue Mar 3 17:46:38 EST 1992
P.J. Hampson asks:
>From STAY8026 at Mon Mar 2 09:45:00 1992
>Subject: Composite networks
>I am interested in modelling tasks in which invariant information from
>previous input-output pairs is brought to bear on the acquisition of current
>input-output pairs. Thus I want to use previously extracted regularity to
>influence current processing. Does anyone think this is feasible??
Papers on how networks can be constructed modularly (source and target have
different topologies, are responsible for different classes) include:
[Waibel et al., IEEASSP], [Pratt & Kamm, IJCNN91], [Pratt et al., AAAI91],
[Pratt, CLNL92].
The working title and abstract for my upcoming PhD thesis (to be described
in [Pratt, 1992b]) are as follows:
Transferring Previously Learned Back-Propagation
Neural Networks to New Learning Tasks
Lori Pratt
Neural network learners traditionally extract most of their information
from a set of training data. If training data is in short supply, the
learned classifier may perform poorly. Although this problem can be
addressed partly by carefully choosing network parameters, this process
is ad hoc and requires expertise and manual intervention by a system
Several symbolic and neural network inductive learners have explored
how a domain theory which supplements training data can be
automatically incorporated into the training process to bias learning.
However, research to date in both fields has largely ignored an
important potential knowledge source: classifiers that have been
trained previously on related tasks. If new classifiers were able to
build directly on previous results, then training speed, performance,
and the ability to effectively utilize small amounts of training data
could potentially be substantially improved. This thesis introduces
the problem of {\em transfer} of information from a trained learner to
a new learning task. It also presents an algorithm for transfer
between neural networks. Empirical results from several domains
demonstrate that this algorithm can improve learning speed on a
variety of tasks.
This will be published in part as [Pratt, 1992].
@article{ waibel-89b,
MYKEY = " waibel-89b : .bap .unr .unb .tem .spc .con ",
TITLE = "Modularity and Scaling in Large Phonemic Neural
AUTHOR = "Alexander Waibel and Hidefumi Sawai and Kiyohiro Shikano",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
VOLUME = 37,
NUMBER = 12,
MONTH = "December",
YEAR = 1989,
PAGES = {1888-1898}
@inproceedings{ pratt-91,
MYKEY = " pratt-91 : .min .bap .app .spc .con ",
AUTHOR = "Lorien Y. Pratt and Jack Mostow and Candace A. Kamm",
TITLE = "{Direct Transfer of Learned Information among Neural
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-91)",
PAGES = {584--589},
ADDRESS = "Anaheim, CA",
YEAR = 1991,
@inproceedings{ pratt-91b,
MYKEY = " pratt-91b : .min .bap .app .spc .con ",
AUTHOR = "Lorien Y. Pratt and Candace A. Kamm",
TITLE = "Improving a Phoneme Classification Neural Network through
Problem Decomposition",
YEAR = 1991,
MONTH = "July",
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks (IJCNN-91)",
ADDRESS = "Seattle, WA",
PAGES = {821--826},
@incollection{ pratt-92,
MYKEY = " pratt-92 : .min .bap .app .spc .con ",
AUTHOR = "Lorien Y. Pratt",
TITLE = "Experiments on the Transfer of Knowledge Between Neural
BOOKTITLE = "Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems,
Constraints and Prospects",
EDITOR = "S. Hanson and G. Drastal and R. Rivest",
YEAR = 1992,
CHAPTER = "4.1",
NOTE = "To appear",
@incollection{ pratt-92b,
MYKEY = " pratt-92b : .min .bap .app .spc .con ",
AUTHOR = "Lorien Y. Pratt",
TITLE = "Non-literal information transfer between neural networks",
BOOKTITLE = "Neural Networks: Theory and Applications {II}",
EDITOR = "R.J.Mammone and Y. Y. Zeevie",
YEAR = 1992,
PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",
NOTE = "To appear",
L. Y. Pratt ,_~o Computer Science Department
pratt at _-\_<, Rutgers University
(*)/'(*) Hill Center
(908) 932-4974 (CoRE building office) New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA
(908) 846-4766 (home)
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