Summary: references on telecommunications applications of neural nets
Atul Chhabra
atul at
Mon Jun 22 12:05:45 EDT 1992
I posted a request for references on telecommunications applications of
neural nets to the connectionists list on June 5. Here is a summary of
the responses. Thanks to all who responded.
Atul K. Chhabra Phone: (914)644-2786
Member of Technical Staff Fax: (914)644-2211
NYNEX Science & Technology Internet: atul at
500 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604
> From: Atul Chhabra <atul at>
> To: Connectionists at CS.CMU.EDU
> Subject: references on telecommunications applications of neural nets
> and/or machine vision
> I am looking for recent papers/technical reports etc. on telecommunications
> applications of neural networks. I have the following papers. I would
> appreciate receiving any additional references. Please respond by email.
> I will post a summary of responses to the net.
> I am also looking for references on applications of machine vision in
> telecommunications.
> 1. A. Hiramatsu, "ATM communications network control by neural network,"
> IJCNN 89, Washington D.C., I/259-266, 1989.
> 2. J.E. Jensen, M.A. Eshara, and S.C. Barash, "Neural network controller
> for adaptive routing in survivable communications networks," IJCNN 90,
> San Diego, CA, II/29-36, 1990.
> 3. T. Matsumoto, M. Koga, K. Noguchi, and S. Aizawa, "Proposal for
> neural network applications to fiber optic transmission," IJCNN 90,
> San Diego, CA, I/75-80, July 1990.
> 4. T.X. Brown, "Neural network for switching," IEEE Communications, vol
> 27, no 11, 72-80, 1989.
> 5. T.P. Troudet and S.M. Walters, "Neural network architecture for
> crossbar switch control," IEEE Transactions on Curcuits and Systems,
> vol 38, 42-56, 1991.
> 6. S. Chen, G.J. Gibson and C.F.N. Cowan, "Adaptive channel equalization
> using a polynomial-perceptron structure," IEE Proceedings, vol 137,
> 257-264, 1990.
> 7. R.M. Goodman, J. Miller and H. Latin, "NETREX: A real time network
> management expert system," IEEE Globecom Workshop on the Application
> of Emerging Technologies in Network Operation and Management, FL,
> December 1988.
> 8. K.N. Sivarajan, "Spectrum Efficient Frequency Assignment for Cellular
> Radio," Caltech EE Doctoral Dissertation, June 1990.
> 9. M.D. Alston and P.M. Chau, "A decoder for block-coded forward error
> correcting systems," IJCNN 90, Washington D.C., II/302-305, January
> 1990.
> Thanks.
> Atul K. Chhabra
> From pthc at
> Dear Atul,
> With reference to your article on the newsgroup ai.comp.neural-nets,
> I would like to add the following references to your list:
> 1. K. Nakano, M. Sengoku, S. Shinoda, Y. Yamaguchi & T.Abe,
> "Channel Assignment in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems Using
> Neural Networks", Singapore Int. Conf. on Communication Systems,
> 531-534, Nov. 1990.
> 2. D. Kunz, "Channel Assignment for Cellular Radio Using Neural Networks",
> IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 40, No. 1, 188-193, Feb 1991.
> 3. P.T.H. Chan, M. Palaniswami & D. Everitt, "Dynamic Channel Assignment for
> Cellular Mobile Radio System Using Feedforward Neural Networks",
> IJCNN 91, pp 1242-1247, Nov. 1991.
> 4. P.T.H. Chan, M. Palaniswami & D. Everitt, "Dynamic Channel Assignment for
> Cellular Mobile Radio System Using Self-Organising Neural Networks",
> The 6th Australian Teletraffic Seminar, 89-96, Nov. 1991.
> 5. J.A. Franklin, M.D. Smith & J.C. Yun, "Learning Channel Allocation
> Strategies in Real Time", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. 92, May 1992.
> 6. D. Munoz-Rodriguez, J.A. Moreno-Cadenas and et-al, "Neural Supported
> Hand Off Methodology in Micro Cellular Systems.", IEEE Vehicular
> Technology Conf. 92, May 1992.
> Regards,
> Peter Chan
> =====================================================================
> | \\ Telephone : +61 3 344 7436 |
> | Peter T. H. Chan \\ Fax: : +61 3 344 6678 |
> | \\ E-Mail : pthc at |
> |__________________________\\_______________________________________|
> | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
> | School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering |
> | The University of Melbourne, Parkville |
> | Victoria 3052, AUSTRALIA |
> =====================================================================
> From: nicwi at (Niclas Wiberg)
> Hello,
> We have compiled a list of articles written on decoding of
> error-correcting codes using neural networks. The list is written
> in bibtex, which is a bibliography program for the text processor latex.
> Hope this helps.
> Niclas
> ================== Here we go ===================================
> @ARTICLE{ybw90,
> AUTHOR = "Yuan, Jing and Bhargava, Vijay K and Wang, Qiang",
> TITLE = "Maximum Likelihood Decoding Using Neural Nets",
> JOURNAL = "Journal of the Institution of Electronics and
> Telecommunication Engineers",
> YEAR = "1990",
> VOLUME = "36",
> NUMBER = "5-6",
> MONTH = "Sept.-Dec.",
> PAGES = "367-376" }
> AUTHOR = "Hrycej, Tomas",
> TITLE = "Self-Organization by Delta Rule",
> BOOKTITLE = "IJCNN International Joint Conference on
> Neural Networks",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "307-312",
> ADDRESS = "New York, NY, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Jeffries, Clark and Protzel, Peter",
> TITLE = "High Order Neural Models for Error Correcting Code",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings from the SPIE - The International
> Society for Optical Engineering",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "510-517",
> AUTHOR = "Zeng, Gengsheng and Hush, Don and Ahmed, Nasir",
> TITLE = "An Application of Neural Net in Decoding Error-Correcting Codes",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings from 1989 IEEE International Symposium on
> Circuits and Systems",
> YEAR = "1989",
> PAGES = "782-785",
> ADDRESS = "New York, NY, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Santamaria, M.E. and Lagunas, M.A. and Cabrera, M.",
> TITLE = "Neural Nets Filters: Integrated Coding and Signaling in
> Communication Systems",
> BOOKTITLE = "MELECON`89: Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference
> Proceedings. Integrating Research, Industry and Education in
> Energy and Communication Engineering",
> YEAR = "1989",
> PAGES = "532-535",
> ADDRESS = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA",
> EDITOR = "Barbosa, A.M." }
> @ARTICLE{ph86,
> AUTHOR = "Platt, J.C. and Hopfield, J.J. ",
> TITLE = "Analog Decoding Using Nerual Networks",
> JOURNAL = "AIP Conference Proceedings",
> YEAR = "1986",
> NUMBER = "151",
> PAGES = "364-369" }
> AUTHOR = "Farotimi, O. and Dembo, A. and Kailath, T.",
> TITLE = "Absolute Stability and Optimal Training for Dynamic Neural Networks",
> BOOKTITLE = "Conference Record. Twenty-Third Asilomar Conference on Signals,
> Systems and Computers",
> YEAR = "1989",
> PAGES = "133-137",
> EDITOR = "Chen, R.R.",
> PUBLISHER = "Maple Press, San Jose, CA, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Caid, William R. and Means, Robert W.",
> TITLE = "Neural Network Error Correcting Decoders for Block and
> Convolutional Codes",
> BOOKTITLE = "GLOBECOM`90: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference and
> Exhibition. 'Communications: Connecting the Future'",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "1028-1031",
> PUBLISHER = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA" }
> @ARTICLE{hb91,
> AUTHOR = "Hussain, M. and Bedi, Jatinder S.",
> TITLE = "Decoding Scheme for Constant Weight Codes for Optical and Spread
> Spectrum Applications",
> JOURNAL = "Electronics Letters",
> VOLUME = "27",
> PAGES = "839-842",
> NUMBER = "10",
> YEAR = "1991" }
> AUTHOR = "Alston, Michael D. and Chau, Paul M.",
> TITLE = "A Neural Network Architecture for the Decoding of Long Constraint Length
> Convolutional Codes",
> BOOKTITLE = "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks ",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "121-126",
> PUBLISHER = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Yuan, Jing and Chen, C.S.",
> TITLE = "Neural Net Decoders for some Block Codes",
> BOOKTITLE = "IEE Proceedings I (Communications, Speech and Vision)",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "309-314",
> AUTHOR = "Whittle, P.",
> TITLE = "The Achievement of Memory by an Antiphon Structure",
> BOOKTITLE = "Developments in Neural Computing. Proceedings of a Meeting
> on Neural Computing",
> YEAR = "1989",
> PAGES = "119-124",
> ORGANIZATION = "IOP and London Math Society",
> PUBLISHER = "Adam Hilger, Bristol, UK" }
> AUTHOR = "Lee, Tsu-chang and Peterson, Allen M.",
> TITLE = "Adaptive Vector Quantization with a Structural Level Adaptable Neural
> Network",
> BOOKTITLE = "IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal
> Processing. Conference Proceedings",
> YEAR = "1989",
> PAGES = "517-520",
> PUBLISHER = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA" }
> @ARTICLE{bb89,
> AUTHOR = "Bruck, Jehoshua and Blaum, Mario",
> TITLE = "Neural Networks, Error-Correcting Codes, and Polynomials over the Binary n-Cube",
> JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on information Theory",
> VOLUME = "35",
> PAGES = "976-987",
> NUMBER = "5",
> YEAR = "1989" }
> AUTHOR = "Yuan, Jing and Bhargava, Vijay K and Wang, Qiang",
> TITLE = "An Error Correcting Neural Network",
> BOOKTITLE = "IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal
> Processing. Conference Proceedings",
> YEAR = "1989",
> PAGES = "530-533",
> PUBLISHER = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Chen, Chang-jia and Chen, Tai-yi",
> TITLE = "Preliminary Study of the Local Maximum Problem of the Energy
> Function for the Neural Network in Decoding of Binary Block Codes",
> BOOKTITLE = "International Symposium on Information Theory and Its
> Applications, ISITA`90",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "727-729",
> PUBLISHER = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Petsche, Thomas and Dickinson, Bradley W.",
> TITLE = "A Trellis-Structured Neural Network",
> BOOKTITLE = "Neural Information Processing Systems",
> YEAR = "1988",
> PAGES = "592-601",
> PUBLISHER = "American Institute of Physics, New York, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Baram, Yoram",
> TITLE = "Nested Neural Networks and their Codes",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings from 1990 IEEE International Symposium on
> Information Theory",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "9" }
> @TECHREPORT{str90,
> AUTHOR = "Stranneby, Dag R.",
> TITLE = "Error Correction of Corrupted Binary Coded Data Using Neural Networks",
> YEAR = "1990",
> ADDRESS = "KTH, Stockholm, Sweden" }
> @TECHREPORT{sch91,
> AUTHOR = "Schnell, M.",
> TITLE = "Multilayer Perceptrons and Their Application to Decoding Block Codes",
> INSTITUTION = "German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Communications
> Technology",
> YEAR = "1991",
> ADDRESS = "D-8031 Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany" }
> AUTHOR = "Hussain, M. and Bedi, Jatinder S.",
> TITLE = "Performance Evaluation of Different Neural Network Training
> Algorithms in Error Control Coding",
> BOOKTITLE = "SPIE`91, Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Neural
> Networks",
> YEAR = "1991",
> PAGES = "697-707" }
> AUTHOR = "Hussain, M. and Bedi, Jatinder S.",
> TITLE = "Reed-{S}olomon Encoder/Decoder Application Using a Neural Network",
> BOOKTITLE = "SPIE`91, Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Neural
> Networks",
> YEAR = "1991",
> PAGES = "463-471" }
> AUTHOR = "Hussain, M. and Song, Jing and Bedi, Jatinder S.",
> TITLE = "Neural Network Application to Error Control Coding",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "502-510" }
> AUTHOR = "Hussain, M. and Bedi, Jatinder S.",
> TITLE = "Decoding a Class of Non Binary Codes Using Neural Networks",
> BOOKTITLE = "33:rd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems",
> YEAR = "1990" }
> AUTHOR = "Zetterberg, Lars H. and Zhang, Qingshi",
> TITLE = "Signal Detection Using Neural Networks and Error Correcting Codes",
> YEAR = "1991",
> NUMBER = "9114",
> ADDRESS = "KTH, Stockholm, Sweden" }
> @ARTICLE{jef90,
> AUTHOR = "Jeffries, Clark",
> TITLE = "Code Recognition with Neural Network Dynamical Systems",
> JOURNAL = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Review",
> VOLUME = "32",
> PAGES = "636-651",
> YEAR = "1990",
> NUMBER = "4" }
> @ARTICLE{sou89,
> AUTHOR = "Sourlas, Nicolas",
> TITLE = "Spin-glass Models as Error-correcting Codes",
> JOURNAL = "Nature",
> VOLUME = "339",
> PAGES = "693-695",
> YEAR = "1989" }
> AUTHOR = "Gish, Sheri L. and Blaum, Mario",
> TITLE = "Adaptive Development of Connectionist Decoders for Complex
> Error-correcting Codes",
> INSTITUTION = "IBM Research Division",
> YEAR = "1992",
> ADDRESS = "Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, USA" }
> AUTHOR = "Takefuji, Yoshiyasu and Hollis, Paul and Foo, Yoon Pin and
> Cho, Yong B.",
> TITLE = "Error Correcting System Based on Neural Circuits",
> BOOKTITLE = "IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks",
> YEAR = "1987",
> PAGES = "293-300",
> VOLUME = "3",
> PUBLISHER = "SOS Printing, San Diego, CA, USA" }
> @ARTICLE{yc91,
> AUTHOR = "Yuan, Jing and Chen, C.S.",
> TITLE = "Correlation Decoding of the (24,12) {Golay} Code Using Neural
> Networks",
> JOURNAL = "IEE Proceedings I (Communications, Speech and Vision)",
> VOLUME = "138",
> PAGES = "517-524",
> YEAR = "1991" }
> AUTHOR = "Andersson, Gunnar and Andersson, H{\aa}kan",
> TITLE = "Generation of Soft Information in a Frequency-hopping
> {HF} Radio System Using Neural Networks",
> SCHOOL = "Link{\"{o}}ping Institute of Technology",
> YEAR = "1991",
> ADDRESS = "Link{\"{o}}ping, Sweden",
> NOTE = "(In Swedish)" }
> AUTHOR = "Li, Haibo and Kronander, Torbj{\"{o}}rn and Ingemarsson, Ingemar",
> TITLE = "A Pattern Classifier Integrating Multilayer Perceptron and
> Error-correcting Code",
> BOOKTITLE = "IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "113-116" }
> AUTHOR = "Yang, Jar-Ferr and Chen, Chi-Ming and Lee, Jau-Yien",
> TITLE = "Neural Networks for Maximum Likelihood Error Correcting Systems",
> BOOKTITLE = "IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "493-498",
> VOLUME = "1" }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Niclas Wiberg nicwi at
> Dept. of EE Linkoping University Sweden
> From: Ernst Nordstr|m <ernstn at Arthur.DoCS.UU.SE>
> Hello,
> here are some references on neural networks in telecommunications:
> 1. T. Takahashi, A. Hiramatsu, "Integrated ATM traffic control by distributed
> neural networks", ISS 90, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1990.
> 2. A. Hiramatsu, "Integration of ATM call admission control and link capacity
> control by distributed neural networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
> Communications, vol 9, no 7, Sep 1991.
> 3. X. Chen, I. Leslie, "A neural network approach towards adaptive congestion
> control in broadband atm networks", GLOBECOM 91, Phoenix, AZ, Dec 1991.
> 4. N. Ansari, D. Liu, "The performance evaluation of a new neural network based
> traffic management scheme for a satellite communication network",
> GLOBECOM 91, Phoenix, AZ, Dec 1991.
> 5. F. Kamoun, M. Ali, "A neural network shortest path algorithm for optimum
> routing in packed-switched communications networks", GLOBECOM 91, Phoenix,
> AZ, Dec 1991.
> 6. M. Ali, F. Kamoun, "A neural network approach to the maximum flow problem",
> GLOBECOM 91, Phoenix, AZ, Dec 1991.
> 7. R.Lancini, F.Perego, S.Tubaro, "Some experiments on vector quantization
> using neural nets", GLOBECOM 91, Phoenix, AZ, Dec 1991.
> 8. B. Khasnabish, M. Ahmadi, "Congestion avoidance in large supra-high-speed
> packet switching networks using neural nets", GLOBECOM 91, Phoenix, AZ,
> Dec 1991.
> Best regards,
> Ernst Nordstrom
> Department of Computer Systems
> Uppsala University, Sweden
> From: dbs0 at (Daniel Schwartz)
> Rudolofo Millito of Bell Labs published a demonstrated
> a neural network controller for an admission controller to a
> queuing system. The paper was published in the Neural Information
> Processing Systems proceedings of 1990 ( Morgan-Kaufman ).
> daniel b schwartz
> gte laboratories
> 40 sylvan rd
> waltham ma 02254
> From: INDE47D at Jetson.UH.EDU
> Here are some more
> 1. R. Ogier and D. Beyer : Neural Network solution to the Link Scheduling
> Problem using Convex Relaxation, In IEEE Global Telecommunications Confere
> nce. (Globecom 90), San Diego, California, December 1990.
> The above paper should give you some more.
> I am presently writing a tech-report on a NN solution to maximum independent
> set (MIS) problem. This MIS problem is the same as the link scheduling
> problem for multi-hop radio networks. I should be finishing it sometime next
> week and can send you a copy if you are interested.
> - Shiv
> From: giles at (Lee Giles)
> See Goudreau and Giles in the NIPS91 Proceedings - NNs for interconnection
> networks.
> Let me know if you have trouble finding it.
> C. Lee Giles
> NEC Research Institute
> 4 Independence Way
> Princeton, NJ 08540
> Internet: giles at
> UUCP: princeton!nec!giles
> PHONE: (609) 951-2642
> FAX: (609) 951-2482
> From: yxt3 at po.CWRU.Edu (Yoshiyasu Takefuji)
> HI.
> Don't forget the following articles.
> Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "An artificial hysteresis binary neuron:....,"
> Biological Cybernetics, 64, 353-356, 1991.
> N. Funabiki, and Y. Takefuji, "A parallel algorithm for time slot assignmen
> t problems in TDM hierarchical switching systems," to appear in IEEE Trans. on C
> ommunications.
> N. Funabiki, and Y. Takefuji, "A parallel algorithm for traffic control pro
> blems in three-stage connecting networks," to appear in Journal of Parallel and
> Distributed Computing.
> N. Funabiki and Y. Takefuji, "A parallel algorithm for broadcast scheduling
> problems in packet radio networks," to appear in IEEE Trans. on Communications.
> N. Funabiki, Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "Comparison of six neural network
> models on a traffic control problem in a multistage interconnection network," to
> appear in IEEE Trans. on Computers.
> N. Funabiki, Y. Takefuji, "A neural network parallel algorithm for channel
> assignment problems in cellular radio networks," to appear in IEEE Trans. on Veh
> icular Technology.
> Introduction to the control problems using NN is
> found in my recent book entitled
> "Neural Network Parallel Computing,"
> from Kluwer, Jan 1992.
> thank you.
> yoshiyasu takefuji
> From: ang at (Nirwan Ansari, 201-596-3670)
> The following are a few of my NN papers on telecommunications:
> N. Ansari, "Managing the traffic of a satellite communication network
> by neural networks," to appear in B. Soucek and the IRIS Group (ed.),
> Dynamic, Genetic and Chaotic Programming of the 6th Generation
> series, pp.339-352, Wiley 1992.
> N. Ansari and Y. Chen, "Configuring Maps for a Satellite Communication
> Network by Self-organization," Journal of Neural Network Computing,
> vol. 2, no. 4, pp.11-17, Spring 1991.
> N. Ansari and Y. Chen, "A Neural Network Model to Configure Maps for
> a Satellite Communication Network," 1990 IEEE Global Telecommunications
> Conference, December 2-5, 1990, San Diego, CA, pp. 1042-1046.
> N. Ansari and D. Liu, "The Performance Evaluation of A New Neural
> Network Based Traffic Management Scheme For A Satellite Communication
> Network," Proc. 1991 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference,
> December 2-5, 1991, Phoenix, AR, pp. 110-114.
> --Nirwan Ansari
> To: Atul Chhabra <atul at>
> Mcdonald, K., T. R. Martinez, and D. M. Campbell,
> A Connectionist Method for Adaptive Real-Time Network Routing,
> Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence,
> pp. 371-377, 1991.
> _______________________________________________________________
> Tony Martinez
> Asst. Professor, Computer Science Dept, BYU, Provo, UT, 84602
> martinez at Phone: 801-378-6464 Fax: 801-378-2800
> From: rodolfo at
> Original-From: buckaroo!rodolfo (Rodolfo A Milito +1 908 949 7614)
> You may want to consider
> Rodolfo A. Milito, Isabelle Guyon, and Sara Solla, "Neural Network
> Implementation of Admission Control," Advances in Neural Information
> Processing Systems 3, Morgan Kauffmann, 1991
> I would also appreciate your comments,
> Rodolfo Milito
> From: an at
> Hello,
> In response to your posting above, I have the following reference for you:
> Atsushi Hiramatsu, "ATM Communications Network Control by Neural
> Networks," _IEEE_Transactions_On_Neural_Networks_, Vol. 1 No. 1,
> March 1990.
> An Nguyen
> E-mail: an at
> I was interested to see your request. I do not know if you are aware of the
> work being done at the Communications Research Laboratory at McMaster
> University in Hamilton, Ontario? They have just sponsored a Symposium on
> Communications in Neurobiological Systems. A contact email address is
> Myersa at -- this is the address of the coordinting
> secretary there. Another address you could try, but I do not know how often
> he reads his mail is haykin at -- this is Dr Simon
> Haykin, the Director of the Laboratory.
> I myself am working on the verification of handwritten signatures using
> NNs, and would be interested to hear if you receive any feedback from your
> request, in this area.
> Regards
> Jon Radue
> Computer Science Department
> Brock University V: (416)688-5550 x 3867
> St. Catharines, Ontario F: (416)688-2789
> L2S 3A1 CANADA E: jradue at
> From: Frans Martin Coetzee <coetzee at>
> Dear Atul
> On the connectionist bboard you recently expressed interest in references on
> telecommunication applications of Neural nets. I would be interested in a
> general post to the mailing list of the references you had received.
> As for me I cannot offer you many refernces: I do know that there is a group
> working on coding/decoding of binary signals using neural networks at the
> University of Victoria. Below is one of their references
> Author Yuan, J.; Bhargava, V.K.; Wang, Q.;
> Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Victoria Univ., BC, CANADA
> Title Maximum likelihood decoding using NEURAL nets
> Source Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication
> Engineers;
> J. Inst. Electron. Telecommun. Eng. (India); vol.36, no.5-6; Sept.
> -Dec. 1990; pp. 367-76
> From: karit at (Kari Torkkola)
> You were interested in references to telecommunications applications
> of neural networks. Here are a couple of such references:
> @InProceedings{Kohonen90c,
> author = "Teuvo Kohonen and Kimmo Raivio and Olli Simula and Olli
> Vent{\"a} and Jukka Henriksson",
> title = "Combining Linear Equalization and Self-Organizing
> Adaptation in Dynamic Discrete-Signal",
> booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
> Neural Networks",
> year = "1990",
> pages = "I 223-228",
> address = "San Diego",
> month = "June",
> }
> @InProceedings{Kohonen91a,
> author = "Teuvo Kohonen and Kimmo Raivio and Olli Simula and
> Jukka Henriksson",
> title = "Performance Evaluation of Self-Organizing Map Based
> Neural Equalizers in Dynamic
> Discrete-Signal Detection",
> booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on
> Artificial Neural Networks",
> year = "1991",
> pages = "II 1677-1680",
> address = "Helsinki",
> month = "June",
> }
> ===================================================================
> Kari Torkkola
> IDIAP (Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive)
> 4, rue du Simplon
> CH 1920 Martigny
> Switzerland email: karit at
> ===================================================================
> From: goudreau at (Mark Goudreau)
> Hi Atul,
> Here are some more references for you. Please send me a copy of the
> compiled list once you are done.
> Thanks -Mark
> @ARTICLE{brow2,
> AUTHOR = "T.X. Brown and K.-H. Liu",
> TITLE = "Neural Network Design of a {B}anyan Network Controller",
> JOURNAL = "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communication",
> YEAR = "1990",
> VOLUME = "8",
> NUMBER = "8",
> PAGES = "1428-1438",
> MONTH = "October"}
> AUTHOR = "N. Funabiki and Y. Takefuji and K.C. Lee",
> TITLE = "A Neural Network Model for Traffic Controls in Multistage
> Interconnection Networks",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
> Neural Networks 1991",
> YEAR = "1991",
> PAGES = "A898",
> MONTH = "July"}
> AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles",
> TITLE = "Neural Network Routing for Multiple Stage Interconnection
> Networks",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
> Neural Networks 1991",
> YEAR = "1991",
> PAGES = "A885",
> MONTH = "July"}
> AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles",
> TITLE = "Neural Network Routing for Random Multiple Stage
> Interconnection Networks",
> BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems~4",
> YEAR = "1992",
> EDITOR = "J.E. Moody and S.J. Hanson and R.P Lippmann",
> PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers",
> ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA",
> PAGES = "722--729"}
> AUTHOR = "N.Z. Hakim and H.E. Meadows",
> TITLE = "A Neural Network Approach to the Setup of the {B}enes
> Switch",
> BOOKTITLE = "Infocom 90",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "397-402"}
> @ARTICLE{marr1,
> AUTHOR = "A.M. Marrakchi and T. Troudet",
> TITLE = "A Neural Net Arbitrator for Large Crossbar
> Packet-Switches",
> JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems",
> YEAR = "1989",
> VOLUME = "36",
> NUMBER = "7",
> PAGES = "1039-1041",
> MONTH = "July"}
> AUTHOR = "P.J.W. Melsa and J.B. Kenney and C.E. Rohrs",
> TITLE = "A Neural Network Solution for Routing in Three Stage
> Interconnection Networks",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 1990 International Symposium on
> Circuits and Systems",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "483-486",
> MONTH = "May"}
> AUTHOR = "P.J.W. Melsa and J.B. Kenney and C.E. Rohrs",
> TITLE = "A Neural Network Solution for Call Routing with
> Preferential Call Placement",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 1990 Global Telecommunications
> Conference",
> YEAR = "1990",
> PAGES = "1377-1382",
> MONTH = "December"}
> @ARTICLE{rauc1,
> AUTHOR = "H.E. Rauch and T. Winarske",
> TITLE = "Neural Networks for Routing Communication Traffic",
> JOURNAL = "IEEE Control Systems Magazine",
> YEAR = "1988",
> VOLUME = "8",
> NUMBER = "2",
> PAGES = "26-31",
> MONTH = "April"}
> @ARTICLE{take1,
> AUTHOR = "Y. Takefuji and K.C. Lee",
> TITLE = "An Artificial Hysteresis Binary Neuron: A Model Suppressing
> the Oscillatory Behavior of Neural Dynamics",
> JOURNAL = "Biological Cybernetics",
> YEAR = "1991",
> VOLUME = "64",
> PAGES = "353-356"}
> AUTHOR = "L. Zhang and S.C.A. Thomopoulos",
> TITLE = "Neural Network Implementation of the Shortest Path
> Algorithm for Traffic Routing in Communication Networks",
> BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
> Neural Networks 1989",
> YEAR = "1989",
> PAGES = "591",
> MONTH = "June"}
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mark W. Goudreau - NEC Research Institute, Inc. - 4 Independence Way
> Princeton, NJ 08540 - USA - goudreau at - (609) 951-2689
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: lynda at (Ms Lynda Thater)
> Hello.
> I am writing in reference to your news article calling for references in the
> area of neural network approaches to Telecommunications applications. I have
> a few references you might want to look at.
> 1. Rauch, H.E. and Winarske, T., "Neural Networks for Routing Communication
> Traffic", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 1988.
> 2. IEEE Contr. Syst. Magazine, Special Section on Neural Networks for Systems
> and Control, April 1988.
> 3. Chang F. and Wu L., "An Optimal Adaptive Routing Algorithm", IEEE
> Transactions Auto, Contr., August 1986.
> 4. Vakil F. and Lazar A.A. "Flow Control Protocols for Integrated Networks
> with Partially Observed Voice Traffic, " IEE Trans. Auto. Contr., January
> 1987.
> 5. Tank D.W. and Hopfield J.J., "Simple 'Neural' Optimization Networks: An A/D
> Converter, Signal Decisiion circuit, and a Linear Programming Circuit",
> IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol CAS-33, May 1986.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Lynda J. Thater AARnet: lynda at
> Lecturer ARPA: THATER at
> Direct Phone: (07) 864-1923
> School of Information Systems
> _--_|\ Faculty of Information Technology
> / QUT Queensland University of Technology
> \_.--._/ Box 2434 Brisbane 4001 AUSTRALIA
> v Phone: +61 7 864-2111 Fax: +61 7 864-1969
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