Last notice and registration form for conference Feb. 6-8, UT Dallas
B344DSL at
Wed Jan 22 12:03:00 EST 1992
The program and abstracts I sent for the Optimality conference Feb. 6-8, I
believe, did not include a registration form. I am sorry for the error:
since I have already sent out two mailings to Connectionists on this con-
ference, this is the last general mailing I will send on it. Anybody desi-
ring more information, e.g., abstracts that weren't included earlier, should
contact me individually (my e-mail address is at the end of the registration
form which I am including in this notice.) Hope to see some of you there.
Dan Levine
FEBRUARY 6 TO 8, 1992,
Sponsored by Metroplex Institute for Neural Dynamics (MIND), Texas
SIG of International Neural Network Society (INNS), and the
University of Texas at Dallas
Name _______________________________________________________
Mailing Address ________________________________________________
Affiliation ________________________________________________
Telephone Number ____________________
e-mail if any ____________________
FAX if any ____________________
Registration fee (please enclose check payable to MIND):
Non-student members of MIND or INNS, $70 _______
or UTD faculty or staff
Other non-students $80 _______
Student members of MIND or INNS, $10 _______
or UTD students
Other students $20 _______
Presenters (oral or poster) from outside
Dallas-Ft. Worth FREE _______
(Note: Registration does not include meals)
Please check if you need a reservation card ______
(Rooms at the Richardson Hilton are $59 a night)
Please check if you wish to share a room ______
Reduced fares are available to Dallas-Fort Worth on American
Airlines. Call the airline and ask for StarFile S14227D, under the
name of MIND.
Preregistrants whose forms and payment checks are received by
January 31 will be mailed a preregistration package with a
confirmation. This will include a complete schedule with times of
presentations and directions to the hotel and conference site.
Please send this form to:
Professor Daniel S. Levine
Department of Mathematics
Box 19408
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019-0408
Office: 817-273-3598; FAX: 817-794-5802;
e-mail b344dsl at
Conference program(still subject to minor change):
Thursday, Feb. 6, AM:
Daniel Levine, U. of Texas, Arlington -- Don't Just Stand There,
Optimize Something!
Samuel Leven, Radford U. -- Man as Machine? Conflicting Optima, Dynamic Goals,
and Hope
Wesley Elsberry, Battelle Research Labs -- Putting Optimality in its Place:
Argument on Context, Systems, and Neural Networks
Graham Tattersall, U. of East Anglia -- Optimal Generalisation in
Artificial Neural Networks
Thursday, Feb. 6, PM:
Steven Hampson, U. of Cal., Irvine -- Problem Solving in a Connectionist
World Model
Richard Golden, U. of Texas, Dallas -- Identifying a Neural Network's
Computational Goals: a Statistical Optimization Perspective
Harold Szu, Naval Surface Warfare Center -- Why Do We Study Neural Network
Formations on VLSI Chips and Why Are Wavelets More Natural for
Brain-Style Computing?
Arun Jagota, SUNY at Buffalo -- Efficient Optimizing Dynamics in a
Hopfield-style network
Friday, Feb. 7, AM:
Gershom Rosenstein, Hebrew U. -- For What are Brains Striving?
Gail Carpenter, Boston U. -- Fuzzy ARTMAP: Adaptive Resonance for
Supervised Learning
Stephen Grossberg, Boston U. -- Vector Associative Maps: Self-Organizing
Neural Networks for Error-based Learning, Spatial Orientation,
and Sensory-Motor Control
Haluk Ogmen, U. of Houston -- Self-Organization via Active Exploration
in Robotics
Friday, Feb. 7, PM:
David Stork, Ricoh California Research Center -- Non-optimality in
Neurobiological Systems
Ian Parberry, U. of North Texas -- Neural Networks and Computational Complexity
David Chance, Central Oklahoma U. -- Real-time Neuronal Models Compared Within
a Classical Conditioning Framework
Samy Bengio, Universite de Montreal -- On the Optimization of a Synaptic
Learning Rule
Saturday, Feb. 8, AM:
Karl Pribram, Radford U. -- The Least Action Principle: Does it Apply to
Cognitive Processes?
Paul Prueitt, Georgetown U. -- Control Hierarchies and the Return to Homeostasis
Herve Abdi, U. of Texas, Dallas -- Generalization of the Linear Auto-Associator
Sylvia Candelaria de Ram, New Mexico State U. -- Interactive Sub-systems of
Natural Language and the Treatment of Specialized Function
Saturday, Feb. 8, PM:
Panel discussion on the basic themes of the conference
Basari Bhaumik, Indian Inst. of Technology, New Delhi -- A Multilayer Network
for Determining Subjective Contours
John Johnson, U. of Mississippi -- The Genetic Adaptive Neural Network Training
Algorithm for Generic Feedforward Artificial Neural Systems
Subhash Kak, Louisiana State U. -- State Generators and Complex Neural Memories
Brian Telfer, Naval Surface Warfare Center -- Moving Beyond LMS Energy for
Natural Classifiers
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