Neural Computation 4:1

Terry Sejnowski terry at jeeves.UCSD.EDU
Tue Jan 21 04:41:45 EST 1992

Neural Computation Volume 4, Issue 1, January 1992


Neural Networks and the Bias/Variance Dilemma
	Stuart German, Elie Bienenstock, and Rene Doursat


A Model for the Action of NMDA Conductances in the Visual Cortex
	Kevin Fox and Nigel Daw


Alternating and Synchronous Rhythms in Reciprocally
Inhibitory Model Neurons
	Xiao-Jing Wang and John Rinzel

Feature Extraction Using an Unsupervised Neural Network
	Nathan Intrator

Speaker-Independent Digit Recognition Using a Neural
Network with Time-Delayed Connections
	K. P. Unnikirishnan, J. J. Hopfield, and D. W. Tank

Local Feedback Multilayered Networks
	Paolo Frasconi, Marco Gori, and Giovanni Soda

Learning to Control Fast-Weight Memories:  An Alternative
to Dynamic Recurrent Networks
	Jurgen Schmidhuber


______ $40     Student
______ $65     Individual
______ $150    Institution

Add $12 for postage and handling outside USA (+7% for Canada).

(Back issues from Volumes 1-3 are available for  $17 each.)

MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142.
        (617) 253-2889.


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