Re-revised deadline: Cognitive Science Conference

Paul Smolensky paul at
Thu Dec 17 12:41:50 EST 1992

We've stretched the deadline as far as we can, including another weekend
(doubling the time some of us can spend on writing the paper! ... that's
off the record, of course) ... here's the Call for Papers again, with the 
new deadline, Feb 2:

                     Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the
                        COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY


                           June 18 - 21, 1993
                    University of Colorado at Boulder
                         Call for Participation
                         with Revised Deadlines

This year's conference aims at broad coverage of the many and diverse 
methodologies and topics that comprise Cognitive Science.  In addition
to computer modeling, the meeting will feature research in computational, 
theoretical, and psycho-linguistics; cognitive neuroscience; conceptual 
change and education; artificial intelligence; philosophical foundations;
human-computer interaction and a number of other approaches to the 
study of cognition. 

A plenary session honoring the memory of Allen Newell is scheduled. 

Plenary addresses will be given by:

        Alan Baddeley       Andy DiSessa           Paul Smolensky 
                 Sandra Thompson         Bonnie Webber

The conference will also highlight invited research papers:

  Conceptual Change:      (Organizers: Nancy Songer & Walter Kintsch)
      Frank Keil          Gaea Leinhardt     Ashwin Ram      Jeremy Rochelle

  Language Learning:      (Organizers: Paul Smolensky & Walter Kintsch)
      Michael Brent       Robert Frank       Brian MacWhinney

  Situated Action:        (Organizer: James Martin)
      Leslie Kaebling     Pattie Maes        Bonnie Nardi    Alonso Vera

  Visual Perception & Cognitive Neuroscience: (Organizer: Michael Mozer)
      Marlene Behrmann    Robert Jacobs      Hal Pashler     David Plaut

  With the goal of assembling a high-quality program representative of the
  diversity of methods and topics in cognitive science, we invite papers 
  presenting interdisciplinary research addressing any cognitive domain and 
  using any of the diverse methodologies of the field.  Papers are specifically 
  solicited which address the topics of the invited research sessions listed 

  Authors should submit five (5) copies of the paper in hard copy form to:

        Cognitive Science 1993 Submissions 
        Dr. Martha Polson
        Institute of Cognitive Science
        Campus Box 344
        University of Colorado 
        Boulder, CO 80309-0344

  Papers with a student first author will be eligible to compete for a David 
  Marr Memorial Prize for excellence in research and presentation.  The David 
  Marr Prizes are accompanied by a $300.00 honorarium, and are funded by an 
  anonymous donor.

  Papers must be a maximum of six (6) pages long (excluding only the cover 
  page), must have at least 1 inch margins on all sides, and must use no 
  smaller that 10 point type.  Camera-ready versions will be required only 
  after authors are notified of acceptance.

  Each copy of the paper must include a cover page, separate from the body
  of the paper, which includes, in order:

  1. Title of paper.
  2. Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses 
     (if possible) of all authors.
  3. An abstract of no more than 200 words.
  4. The area(s) in which the paper should be reviewed.  When possible, please 
     list, in decreasing order of relevance, 1-3 of the following keywords: 
       action/motor control, acquisition/learning, cognitive architecture, 
       cognitive neuroscience, connectionism, conceptual change/education,
       decision making, foundations, human-computer interaction, language 
       (indicate subarea), memory, reasoning and problem solving, perception,
       situated action/cognition, skill/expertise.
  5. Preference for presentation format: Talk or poster, talk only, poster
     only.  Poster sessions will be highlighted in this year's conference. The 
     proceedings will not distinguish between papers presented orally and
     those presented as posters.
  6. A note stating if the paper is eligible to compete for a Marr Prize.
     For jointly authored papers, include a note from the student author's
     advisor explaining the student's contribution to the research.


  *****    PAPERS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 2, 1993.    ******

  Proposals for symposia are also invited.  Proposals should indicate: 
    (1) A brief description of the topic; 
    (2) How the symposium would address a broad cognitive science audience;
    (3) Names of symposium organizer(s); 
    (4) List of potential speakers, their topics, and some estimate of their 
        likelihood of participation; 
    (5) Proposed symposium format (designed to last 90 minutes).
  Symposium proposals should be sent as soon as possible, but no later than
  February 2, 1993.

        Dr. Martha Polson
        Institute of Cognitive Science
        Campus Box 344
        University of Colorado
        Boulder, CO  80309-0344
        E-mail: Cogsci at
        Telephone: (303) 492-7638
        FAX: (303) 492-2967

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