Postdoc in San Diego

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Tue Aug 18 17:29:15 EDT 1992

              Opportunities for post doctoral research
          at the Naval Health Research Center, San Diego.
       Cognitive Performance and Psychophysiology Department
    Our laboratory is developing alertness and  attention  moni-
    toring  systems  based on human psychophysiological measures
    (EEG, ERP, EOG, ECG), through ongoing research at basic  and
    exploratory  development  levels.  We have openings for post
    doctoral fellows in signal processing / neural network esti-
    mation  and  human cognitive psychophysiology.  We are espe-
    cially interested  in  the  relation  of  oscillatory  brain
    dynamics  to  attention  and alertness.  Our research is not
    Please address inquiries to:
    Dr. Scott Makeig              
    Naval Health Research Center  email: scott at
    PO Box 85122                  fax:   (619) 436-9389
    San Diego, CA 92186-5122      phone: (619) 436-7155


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