Paper available entitled: "Neural Network Formalization".

Emile Fiesler efiesler at
Thu Apr 23 11:46:14 EDT 1992

The following paper is available via ftp from the neuroprose archive
(instructions for retrieval follow the abstract).

                      Neural Network Formalization

                             Emile Fiesler
             Case postale 609, CH-1920 Martigny, Switzerland
                   Electronic mail: EFiesler at IDIAP.CH


                           H. John Caulfield
                        Alabama A&M University
                 P.O.Box 1268, Normal, AL 35762, U.S.A.

A short version of this paper has been accepted for publication in "Artificial
Neural Networks II", (Editors I. Alexander and J. Taylor, North-Holland/
Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1992), under the title: "Layer Based
Neural Network Formalization".


In order to assist the field of neural networks in its maturing, a formaliza-
tion and a solid foundation are essential. Additionally, to permit the intro-
duction of formal proofs, it is important to have an all encompassing formal
mathematical definition of a neural network.
      This publication offers a neural network formalization consisting of a
topological taxonomy, a uniform nomenclature, and an accompanying consistent
mnemonic notation.  Supported by this formalization, both a flexible hierar-
chical and a universal mathematical definition are presented.


To obtain a copy of the paper, follow these FTP instructions:

unix>     ftp (or: ftp
login:    anonymous
password: neuron
ftp>      cd pub/neuroprose
ftp>      binary
ftp>      get
ftp>      bye
unix>     zcat | lpr
                  (or however you uncompress and print postscript)

(Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide hard copies of the paper.)

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