Papers on recurrent nets in Neuroprose

Kenji Doya doya at crayfish.UCSD.EDU
Fri Apr 3 23:43:12 EST 1992

The following papers have been placed in Neuroprose archive.

The first paper deals with Simon's problem: Why the error increases
in the gradient descent learning of recurrent neural networks?

File name:

    Bifurcations in the Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks
                           Kenji Doya
                Dept. of Biology, U. C. San Diego

Unlike feed-forward networks, the output of a recurrent network can
change drastically with an infinitesimal change in the network
parameter when it passes through a bifurcation point. The possible
hazards caused by the bifurcations of the network dynamics and the
learning equations are investigated. The roles of teacher forcing,
preprogramming of network structures, and the approximate learning
algorithms are discussed.

To appear in: Proceedings of 1992 IEEE 	International Symposium on
        Circuits and Systems, May 10-13, 1992, San Diego.

File name:

     Adaptive Synchronization of Neural and Physical Oscillators
                  Kenji Doya           Shuji Yoshizawa
                U. C. San Diego      University of Tokyo

Animal locomotion patterns are controlled by recurrent neural networks
called central pattern generators (CPGs). Although a CPG can oscillate
autonomously, its rhythm and phase must be well coordinated with the
state of the physical system using sensory inputs. In this paper we
propose a learning algorithm for synchronizing neural and physical
oscillators with specific phase relationships. Sensory input
connections are modified by the correlation between cellular
activities and input signals. Simulations show that the learning rule
can be used for setting sensory feedback connections to a CPG as well
as coupling connections between CPGs.

To appear in: J.E. Moody, S.J. Hanson, and R.P. Lippmann, (Eds.)
        Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4,
        San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann (1992).

To retrieve the papers by anonymous ftp:

        unix> ftp  # (
        Name: anonymous
        Password: neuron
        ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
        ftp> binary
        ftp> get
        ftp> get
        ftp> quit
        unix> uncompress
        unix> uncompress
        unix> lpr
        unix> lpr

They are also available for anonymous ftp from ""
(, directory "pub/doya".

Kenji Doya     <doya at>
Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0322, USA
Phone: (619)534-3954/5548   Fax: (619)534-0301

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