Could some one tell me ... ? at CARNEGIE.BITNET
Fri Sep 20 19:11:50 EDT 1991

The property (2) is called detailed balance resulting in a Gibbs
distribution for the probability to find the system in a particular
state. The rule (1) is an update procedure for the spin Sk which
ensure detailed balance provided that E is an energy. Both principles
are fundamental facts of statistical mechanics of neural networks
(or if you prefer result from an maximum entropy analysis of neural
nets). The book by Hertz Krogh and Palmer summerizes all that in
a nice way. The book title is "Introduction to Neural Computation".
Also consult D. Amit's book "Modelling brain functions" from Cambridge
University Press.
                Joachim M. Buhmann
                University of California
                Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
                7000 East Ave., P.O.Box 808, L-270
                Livermore, California 94550
                email address: jb at

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