Literature Databases

Mark Evans mre1 at
Wed Sep 11 15:26:14 EDT 1991

A couple of times when people have requested information about a certain paper
or book over the connectionists network, I have noted people producing the
details for the article in the form a database entry. I would like to know if
there are any databases for neural network literature (or general literature
databases) that users from external sites can access.

Thank you,

Mark Evans

#                                               #
# Mark Evans               mre1 at #
# Research Assistant       mre1 at itri.uucp       #
#                                               #
# ITRI,                                         #
# Brighton Polytechnic,                         #
# Lewes Road,                                   #
# BRIGHTON,                                     #
# E. Sussex,                                    #
# BN2 4AT.                                      #
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# Tel: +44 273 642915/642900                    #
# Fax: +44 273 606653                           #
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