can't find article. COUSEIN at
Thu Sep 5 14:43:00 EDT 1991

Dear connectionist,
recently I browsed thru the unpublished abstracts of the 1990 Paris ICNN, and
came across an abstract that looked interesting, i.e.
Generalised Hopfield Networks for Robot Planning.
by P. Morasso, V. sanguineti, G. Vercelli, R. Zaccaria,
Computer Science, Genova, Italy.
However, there was no article. I would like to know if anyone has seen the
article published somewhere, or seen an internal tech report or anything of the
kind. Where could I obtain a copy?
Thanks for your help, best regards,
Alexis Cousein,
Ghent University Electronics Lab,
cousein at
p.s. greetings to Martin Dudziak. Long time no see/hear.

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