Resource Allocation Network (RAN)

David Lambert lissie!botsec7!botsec1!dcl at uunet.UU.NET
Mon Oct 28 13:54:54 EST 1991

Dear Connectionists:

Has anyone tried to implement the Resource Allocation Network
of John Platt (NIPS 3 and Neural Computation V3 #2)?  I have
a first cut at an implementation, and so far I have not been
able to approach his published results.

I'd be very interested in corresponding with anyone who has
tried this algorithm.

Also, if anyone has a means of reaching John Platt, I'd love
to hear about it.  I've been calling Synaptics in San Jose for
over a week now, and there don't seem to be any humans that
work there...only voice mail.


David Lambert
dcl at or dcl at

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