one-shot learning

Ernst Dow, 276-9916 DOW_ERNST at LILLY.COM
Mon Oct 21 10:16:00 EDT 1991

Ross Gayler writes:

  I want to add one-shot learning, which I define (on the spur of the moment)
  to be successful learning from one occasion of exposure to the input.

  This phenomenon is known to happen in animals (e.g. it can happen in taste
  aversion conditioning) and can happen in humans (e.g. recognition of an
  abstract painting seen only once before). etc.

If it was a big enough event in your life, you will have memorized the
event. If it was not so monumental, you can help your memory by replaying
the event in your mind.

But in this case, we are talking memorization, not generalization. You may
be able to identify the painting you saw before, but could you make the
leap to recognizing all other abstract paintings?

Ernst Dow
ernst at

From: DOW ERNST                     (MCVAX0::TC64566)

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