NIPS-91 reminder
John Pearson W343 x2385
jcp at
Thu Nov 7 13:09:26 EST 1991
Now's the time to register for the NIPS-91 conference and workshops!
For those of you who don't know about NIPS, read on:
Conference: Monday, December 2 - Thursday, December 5, 1991; Denver, Colorado
Workshop: Friday, December 6 - Saturday, December 7, 1991; Vail, Colorado
This is the fifth meeting of an inter-disciplinary conference
which brings together neuroscientists, engineers, computer
scientists, cognitive scientists, physicists, and mathematicians
interested in all aspects of neural processing and computation.
There will be an afternoon of tutorial presentations (Dec 2)
preceding the regular session and two days of focused workshops will
follow at a nearby ski area (Dec 6-7). The meeting is sponsored by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Information Theory
Group, the Society for Neuroscience, and the American Physical
Plenary, contributed, and poster sessions will be held. There will be
no parallel sessions. The full text of presented papers will be
published. Topical categories include: Neuroscience; Theory;
Implementation and Simulations; Algorithms and Architectures; Cognitive
Science and AI; Visual Processing; Speech and Signal Processing;
Control, Navigation, and Planning; Applications.
The format of the workshop is informal. Beyond reporting on past
research, the goal is to provide a forum for scientists actively
working in the field to freely discuss current issues of concern and
interest. Sessions will meet in the morning and in the afternoon
of both days, with free time in between for the ongoing individual
exchange or outdoor activities. Specific open and/or controversial
issues are encouraged and preferred as workshop topics.
The deadline for submission of abstracts and workshop proposals is May
17th, 1991. For further information concerning the conference contact
Dr. Stephen J. Hanson; NIPS*91 Information; Siemens Research Center;
755 College road East; Princeton NJ, 08540
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