call for papers for COLT '92
David Haussler
haussler at
Tue Nov 5 17:09:23 EST 1991
COLT '92
Fifth ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory
University of Pittsburgh July 27-29, 1992
The fifth workshop on Computational Learning Theory will be held at
the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. The workshop
is sponsored jointly by the ACM Special Interest Groups in Automata
and Computability Theory and Artificial Intelligence. Registration is
open, within the limits of the space available (about 150 people). We
invite papers in all areas that relate directly to the analysis of
learning algorithms and the theory of machine learning, including
artificial and biological neural networks, robotics, pattern
recognition, inductive inference, information theory, decision theory,
Bayesian/MDL estimation, and cryptography. We look forward to a
lively, interdisciplinary meeting. As part of our program, we are
pleased to be presenting an invited talk by Prof. A. Barto of the
University of Massachusetts on reinforcement learning. Other invited
talks may be scheduled as well.
Authors should submit an extended abstract that consists of:
+ A cover page with title, authors' names, (postal and e-mail) addresses,
and a 200 word summary.
+ A body not longer than 10 pages in twelve-point font.
Be sure to include a clear definition of the theoretical model used,
an overview of the results, and some discussion of their significance,
including comparison to other work. Proofs or proof sketches should be
included in the technical section. Experimental results are welcome,
but are expected to be supported by theoretical analysis. Authors
should send 13 copies of their abstract to David Haussler, COLT '92,
Computer and Information Sciences, University of California, Santa
Cruz, CA 95064. The deadline for receiving submissions is February 10,
1992. This deadline is FIRM. Authors will be notified by April 10;
final camera-ready papers will be due May 15.
Chair: Bob Daley (C.S. Dept., U. Pittsburgh, PA 15260).
Program committee:
David Haussler (UC Santa Cruz, chair),
Naoki Abe (NEC, Japan),
Shai Ben-David (Technion),
Tom Cover (Stanford),
Rusins Freivalds (U. of Latvia),
Lisa Hellerstein (Northwestern),
Nick Littlestone (NEC, Princeton),
Wolfgang Maass (Technical U., Graz, Austria),
Lenny Pitt (U. Illinois),
Robert Schapire (Bell Labs, Murray Hill),
Carl Smith (U. Maryland),
Naftali Tishby (Hebrew U.),
Santosh Venkatesh (U. Penn.)
Note: papers that have appeared in journals or other conferences, or
that are being submitted to other conferences are not appropriate for
submission to COLT.
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