Cognitive Science Conference 1992
Fri Nov 15 11:28:37 EST 1991
please post
The Fourteenth Annual Conference of
The Cognitive Science Society
July 29 -- August 1, 1992
Indiana University
The Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society brings
together researchers studying cognition in humans, animals or
machines. The 1992 Conference will be held at Indiana
University. Plenary speakers for the conference are:
Elizabeth Bates John Holland
Daniel Dennett Richard Shiffrin
Martha Farah Michael Turvey
Douglas Hofstadter
The Conference will also feature evening entertainments: a
welcoming reception (Wed), banquet (Thurs), poster reception
(Fri), and concert (Sat).
Paper and poster submissions are encouraged in the areas of
cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics,
cognitive anthropology, connectionist models, cognitive
neuroscience, education, cognitive development, philosophical
foundations, as well as any other area of relevance to cognitive
Authors should submit five (5) copies of their papers in hard
copy form to
Cognitive Science 1992 Submissions
Attn: Candace Shertzer
Cognitive Science Program
Psychology Building
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
All accepted papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings.
Presentation format (talk or poster) will be decided by a review
panel, unless the author specifically requests consideration for
only one format. Electronic and FAX submissions cannot be
David Marr Memorial Prizes for Excellent Student Papers:
To encourage even greater student participation in the
Conference, papers that have a student as first author are
eligible to compete for one of four David Marr Memorial Prizes.
Student-authored papers will be judged by reviewers and the
Program Committee for excellence in research and presentation.
Each of the four Prizes is accompanied by a $300 honorarium.
The David Marr Prize is funded by an anonymous donor.
Appearance and length:
Papers should be a maximum of six (6) pages long (excluding cover
page, described below), have at least 1 inch margins on all
sides, and use no smaller than 10pt type. Camera-ready versions
will be required only after authors are notified of acceptance.
Cover page:
Each copy of the paper must include a cover page, separate from
the body of the paper, that includes (in order):
1. Title of paper.
2. Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers and e-mail
addresses (if available) of all authors.
3. An abstract of no more than 200 words.
4. The area and subarea in which the paper should be reviewed.
5. Preference of presentation format: Talk or poster; talk only;
poster only.
6. A note stating whether the first author is a student
and should therefore be considered for a Marr Prize.
Papers submission deadline:
Papers must be *received* by March 2, 1992.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by April 10.
Camera ready versions of accepted papers are due May 8.
Symposium submissions are also encouraged. Submissions should
specify: 1. A brief description of the topic. 2. How the
symposium would address a broad cognitive science audience.
3. Names of symposium organizer(s) and potential speakers and
their topics. 4. Proposed format of symposium (e.g., all formal
talks; brief talks plus panel discussion; open discussion; etc.).
Symposia should be designed to last 1 hr 40 min.
Symposium submission deadline:
Symposium submissions must be received by January 13, 1992, and
should be sent as soon as possible. Note that the deadline for
symposium submissions is earlier than for papers.
By air, fly to Indianapolis (not Bloomington) where pre-arranged,
inexpensive charter buses will take you on the 1-hour drive to
Bloomington. Discount airfares are available from the conference
airline, USAir, which has flights from Europe and Canada as well
as within the continental US. Full details regarding travel,
lodging and registration will be given in a subsequent
John K. Kruschke, Conference Chair
e-mail: cogsci92 at
Candace Shertzer, Cognitive Science Program Secretary
phone: (812) 855-4658
e-mail: cshertze at
Cognitive Science Program
Psychology Building
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
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