Posting FYI - I have tested this out and it is quite robust
DUDZIAKM at isnet.inmos.COM
Fri May 31 16:51:03 EDT 1991
4 Hughson St. Suite 305
Hamilton, Ontario
L8N 3Z1
phone (416) 570 0525
fax (416) 570 0498
AND Corporation based in Canada has developed a new technology related
to the current field of artificial neural systems. This new field is referred to
as holographic neural technology.
The operational basis stems from holographic principles in the superposition
or "enfolding" of information by convolution of complex vectors. An
analogous, albeit far more limited, process occurs within interacting
electromagnetic fields in the generation of optical holograms. Information
as dealt with in the neural system represents analog stimulus-response
patterns and the holographic process permits one to superimpose or enfold
very large numbers of such patterns or analog mappings onto a single
neuron cell. Analog stimulus-response associations are learned in one non-
iterative transformation on exposing the neuron cell to a stimulus and
desired response data field. Similarly, decoding or expression of a response
is performed in one non-iterative transformation. The process exhibits the
property of non-disturbance whereby previously learned mappings are
minimally corrupted or influenced by subsequent learning.
During learning of associations, the holographic neural process generates a
true deterministic mapping of analog stimulus input to desired analog
response. Large sets of such stimulus-response mappings are enfolded onto
the identically same correlation set (array of complex vectors) and may be
controlled in such a manner that these mappings have modifiable properties
of generalization. Specifically, this generalization characteristic refers to a
stimulus-response mapping in which input states circumscribed within a
modifiable region of the stimulus locus will accurately regenerate the
associated analog response. In addition, neuron cells may be configured to
exhibit a range of dynamic memory profiles extending from short to long
term memory. This feature applies variable decay within the correlation sets
whereby encoded stimulus-response mappings may be attenuated at
controlled rates. A single neuron cell employing the holographic principle
displays vastly increased capabilities over much larger ANS networks
employing standard gradient descent methods.
AND Corporation has constructed an applications development system based
on this new technology it has called the HNeT system (for Holographic
NeTwork). This system executes within an INMOS transputer hardware
platform. The HNeT development system permits the user to design an entire
neural configuration which remains resident and executes within an INMOS
transputer based co-processing board. The neural engine executes
concurrently with the host resident application program, the host processor
providing essentially I/O and operator interface services. Internally the
neural engine is structured by the user as a configuration of cells having
data field flow paths established between these cells. Data fields within the
holographic system are structured as matrices of complex values
representing analog stimulus and response data fields. The manner in
which data sets, normally expressed as real-numbered values in the external
domain, are mapped to complex data fields within the neural engine is not
of necessary importance to the neural system designer as data transfer
functions provided within the HNeT development system perform these data
field conversions automatically.
An extensive set of 'C' neural library routines provide the user flexibility in
configuring up to 16K cells per transputer and 64K synaptic inputs per cell
(memory limited). Functions for configuring these cells within the neural
engine are provided within the HNeT library, and may be grouped into the
following general categories:
Neural cells - These cell types form the principle operational component
within the neural engine, employing the holographic neural process for
single pass encoding (learning) and decoding (expression) of analog
stimulus-response associations. These cells generate the correlation sets or
matrices which store the enfolded stimulus-response mappings.
Operator cells - Cells may also be configured within the neural engine to
perform a wide variety of complex vector transform operations and data
manipulation over data fields. These cells principally perform preprocessing
operations on data fields fed into neural cells.
Input cells - These cells operate essentially as buffers within the neural
engine for data transferred between the host application program and the
transputer resident neural configuration. This category of cells may also be
used to facilitate recurrent data flow structures within the neural engine.
In configuring the neural engine the user has the flexibility of constructing a
wide range of cell types within any definable configuration, and specifying
any data flow path between these diverse cell types. Configuration of the
neural engine is simple and straightforward using the programming
convention provided for the HNeT neural development system. For instance,
a powerful configuration comprised of two inputs cells and one neural cell
(cortex), capable of encoding large numbers of analog stimulus- response
mappings (potentially >> 64K mappings), can be configured using three
function calls . i.e.
stim = receptor(256,255);
des_resp = buffer(1,1);
output = cortex(des_resp, stim, ENDLIST);
The above 'C' application code configures one cortex cell type within the
neural engine receiving a stimulus field of 256 by 255 elements (stim), and
returns a label to the output data field containing the generated response
value (output) for that cell. This configuration may be set into operation
using an execute instruction to perform either decoding only, or both
decoding/encoding functions concurrently. The cortex cell has defined
within its function variable list two input data fields, that is the stimulus
field (stim) and the desired response data field (des_resp). On encoding the
stimulus-to-desired-response association, an analog mapping is generated
employing holographic neural principles, and this mapping enfolded onto
the cortex cells correlation set. On a decoding cycle, the cortex cell
generates the response from a stimulus field transformed through its
correlation set, returning a label to that data field (output). An entire
neural configuration may be constructed using the above convention of
function calls to configure various cells and establishing data flow paths via
labels returned by the configuration functions.
The users application program performs principally I/O of stimulus-response
data fields to the neural engine and establishes control over execution
cycles for both learning and expression (response recall) operations. The
transputer resident neural engine independently performs all the transform
operations and data field transfers for the established neural configuration.
The host IBM resources may be fully allocated to ancillary tasks such as
peripheral and console interface, retrieval/storage of data, etc. This format
allows maximum concurrency of operation.
For the control engineer, the holographic neural system provides a new and
powerful process whereby input states may be deterministically mapped to
control output states over the extent of the control input or state space
domain. The mapping of these analog control states is generated simply by
training the neural engine. Realizing the property of non-disturbance
exhibited by the holographic process, the neural configuration may be
constructed to learn large sets of spacio-temporal patterns useful in robotics
applications. The neural system designer may explicitly control and modify
the generalization characteristics and resolution of this mapping space
through design and modification of higher order statistics used within the
system. In other words, stimulus-response control states are mapped out
within the cell, and allowing the user to explicitly define the higher order
characteristics or generalization properties of the neural system. Control
states are encoded simply by presenting the neural engine with the suite of
analog stimulus-response control actions to be learned.
This technology is patent pending in North and South America, Europe,
Britan, Asia, Australia and the USSR. The HNeT applications development
system is commercially available for single transputer platforms at a base
price of $7,450.00 US. For further information call or write to AND
Corporation, address given above.
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