NETWORK - contents of Volume 2, no 2 (May 1991)
David Willshaw
david at
Tue May 7 11:49:10 EDT 1991
The forthcoming May 1991 issue of NETWORK will contain the following papers:
Volume 2 Number 2 May 1991
Minimum-entropy coding with Hopfield networks
H G E Hentschel and H B Barlow
Cellular automation models of the CA3 region of the hippocampus
E Pytte, G Grinstein and R D Traub
Competitive learning, natural images and cortical cells
C J StC Webber
Adaptive fields: distributed representations of classically
conditioned associations
P F M J Verschure and A C C Coolen
``Quantum'' neural networks
M Lewenstein and M Olko
NETWORK welcomes research Papers and Letters where the findings have
demonstrable relevance across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Research Papers can be of any length, if that length can be justified
by content. Rarely, however, is it expected that a length in excess
of 10,000 words will be justified. 2,500 words is the expected limit
for research Letters. Articles can be published from authors' TeX
source codes.
NETWORK is published quarterly. The subscription rates are:
Institution 125.00 POUNDS (US$220.00)
Individual (UK) 17.30 POUNDS
(Overseas) 20.50 POUNDS (US$37.90)
For more details contact
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