4th NN-PDP Conference, Indiana-Purdue
Wed Mar 20 21:44:52 EST 1991
11,12,13 APRIL 1991
The Fourth Conference on Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing
at Indiana University-Purdue University will be held on the Fort Wayne Campus,
April 11,12, 13, 1991.
Conference registration is $20 (on site) and students attend free. Some
limited financial support might also be available to allow students to attend.
Inquiries should be addressed to:
email: sayegh at ipfwcvax.bitnet
US mail:
Prof. Samir Sayegh
Physics Department
Indiana University-Purdue University
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
FAX: (219) 481-6880
Voice: (219) 481-6306 OR 481-6157
Talks will be held:
Thursday April 11, 6pm - 9pm -- Classroom Medical 159
Friday Morning (Tutorial Session) -- Kettler G46
Friday Afternoon and Evening -- Classroom Medical 159
Saturday Morning -- Kettler G46
Free Parking is made available on the TOP floor of the parking garage.
Special Hotel Rates (Purdue Corporate rates) are available at Hall's
Guest House, which is a 10 mn drive from Campus.
The number is (219) 489-2521.
The following talks will be presented:
network analysis:
P.G. Madhavan, B. Xu, B. Stephens, Purdue University, Indianapolis
On the Convergence Speed & the Generalization Ability of Tri-state
Neural Networks
Mohammad R. Sayeh, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Dynamical-System Approach to Unsupervised Classifier
Samir I. Sayegh, Purdue University, Ft Wayne
Symbolic Manipulation and Neural Networks
Zhenni Wang, Ming T. Tham & A.J. Morris, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Multilayer Neural Networks: Approximated Canonical Decomposition of
M.G. Royer & O.K. Ersoy, Purdue University, W. Lafayette
Classification Performance of Pshnn with BackPropagation Stages
Sean Carroll, Tri-State University
Single-Hidden-Layer Neural Nets Can Approximate B-Splines
M. D. Tom & M.F. Tenorio, Purdue University, W. Lafayette
A Neuron Architecture with Short Term Memory
G. Allen Pugh, Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Further Design Considerations for Back Propagation
I. H. Shin and K. J. Cios, The University of Toledo
A Neural Network Paradigm and Architecture for Image Pattern Recognition
R. E. Tjia, K. J. Cios and B. N. Shabestari, The University of Toledo
Neural Network in Identification of Car Wheels from Gray Level Images
S. Sayegh, C. Pomalaza-Raez, B. Beer and E. Tepper, Purdue University, Ft Wayne
Pitch and Timbre Recognition Using Neural Network
Jacek Witaszek & Colleen Brown, DePaul University
Automatic Construction of Connectionist Expert Systems
Robert Zerwekh, Northern Illinois University
Modeling Learner Performance: Classifying Competence Levels Using Adaptive
Resonance Theory
biological aspects:
R. Manalis, Indiana Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Short Term Memory Implicated in Twitch Facilitation
Edgar Erwin, K. Obermayer, University of Illinois
Formation and Variability of Somatotopic Maps with Topological Mismatch
T. Alvager, B. Humpert, P. Lu, C. Roberts, Indiana State University
DNA Sequence Analysis with a Neural Network
Christel Kemke, DFKI, Germany
Towards a Synthesis of Neural Network Behavior
optimization and genetic algorithms:
Robert L. Sedlmeyer, Indiana-Purdue, Fort Wayne
A Genetic Algorithm to Estimate the Edge-Intergrity of Halin Graphs
J.L. Noyes, Wittenberg University
Neural Network Optimization Methods
Omer Tunali & Ugur Halici, University of Missouri/Rolla
A Boltzman Machine for Hypercube Embedding Problem
William G. Frederick & Curt M. White, Indiana-Purdue University
Genetic Algorithms and a Variation on the Steiner Point Problem
Arun Jagota, State University of NY at Buffalo
A Forgetting Rule and Other Extensions to the Hopfield-Style Network Storage
Rule and Their Applications
tutorial lectures:
Marc Clare, Lincoln National, Ft Wayne
An Introduction to the Methodology of Building Neural Networks
Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford
Integrating Neural Networks into an AI Course
Arun Jagota, State University of NY at Buffalo
The Hopfield Model and Associative Memory
Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford
Self Organization and Adaptive Resonance Theory Models
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