Job opportunities

Marwan Jabri marwan at
Thu Mar 14 01:29:45 EST 1991

			  Professional Assistants (2)

		Systems Engineering and Design Automation Laboratory
			School of Electrical Engineering
			   The University of Sydney

		    Microelectronic Implementation of Neural
	          Networks based Devices for the Analysis and
		       Classification of Medical Signals

Applications are invited from persons to work on an
advanced neural network application project in the medical area.
The project is being funded jointly by the Australian Government
and a high-technology manufacturer of medical products.  

Appointees will be joining an existing team of 3 staff.

The project is the research and development of architectures of neural 
networks to be implemented in VLSI.  The project spans over a 2-year period
following a feasibility study which was completed in early 1991.

The first Professional Assistant is expected to have experience in VLSI
engineering, to design VLSI circuit, to perform simulation, to develop
simulation models of physical level implementations, to design testing jigs
(hardware and software) and perform test on fabricated chips.

The second Professional Assistant is also expected to have experience in VLSI
engineering with the responsibility of working on the development of EEPROM
storage technology, of upgrading design tools to support EEPROM, of developing
an interface with the fabrication foundry, of designing building block storage
elements and interfacing them with other artificial neural network building
blocks.  The appointee for this position is expected to spend substantial time
at the University of New South Wales where some of the EEPROM work will be
Both Professional Assistants will also work on the overall chip prototyping
that we expect to be performed in 1992.

The appointment will be for a period of 2 years.

Applicants should have an Electrical/Electronic Engineering degree or
equivalent and a minimum of three years experience in a related fields.
Preference will be given to applicants with experience in Artificial Neural
Networks, and Analog or Digital Intergrated Circuits.

The appointees may apply for enrollment towards a postgraduate degree 

Salary range according to qualifications:  $24,661 - $33,015 pa.

Method of application:
Applications  including curriculum vitae, list
of publications and the names, addresses and fax numbers of three
referees should be sent to:

	Dr M.A. Jabri, 
	Sydney University Electrical Engineering
	Building J03
	NSW 2006 Australia
	Tel: (+61-2) 692-2240
	Fax: (+61-2) 692-3847
	Email: marwan at

 From whom further information may be obtained.

The University reserves the right not to proceed with any appointment for
financial or other reasons.

		Equal Opportunity is University Policy.

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