Phase-locking without oscillations

Christof Koch koch at CitIago.Bitnet
Thu Jun 27 06:12:08 EDT 1991

The following paper  is available by anyonymous  FTP  from Ohio  State
University from pub/neuroprose. The file is called  "".
                        A SIMPLE NETWORK SHOWING BURST
                        Christof Koch and Heinz Schuster
ABSTRACT: The  dynamic  behavior of  a network  model   consisting  of
all-to-all excitatory coupled binary neurons with global inhibition is
studied analytically  and  numerically. It  is shown that   for random
input signals,  the output   of  the network consists of  synchronized
bursts  with  apparently random  intermissions  of noisy  activity. We
introduce the  fraction of simultaneously firing  neurons as a measure
for synchrony  and  prove   that  its temporal  correlation   function
displays,  besides a delta peak  at  zero indicating random processes,
strongly  damped  oscillations.  Our results suggest that  synchronous
bursts  can be  generated   by a  simple   neuronal architecture which
amplifies incoming coincident signals. This synchronization process is
accompanied by damped  oscillations which,  by themselves, however, do
not play any constructive role in this and can therefore be considered
to be an epiphenomenon.
Key words: neuronal networks / stochastic activity / burst
synchronization / phase-locking / oscillations
For comments, send e-mail to koch at
P.S. And this is how you can FTP and print the file:
              unix> ftp (or
              Name: anonymous
              Password: neuron
              ftp> cd pub/neuroprose (actually, cd neuroprose)
              ftp> binary
              ftp> get
              ftp> quit
              unix> uncompress
              unix> lpr
              Read and be illuminated.

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