Special Issue of Machine Learning Journal

Michael Pazzani pazzani at pan.ICS.UCI.EDU
Tue Jun 18 14:10:12 EDT 1991

MACHINE LEARNING will be publishing a special issue on Computer Models
of Human Learning.  The ideal paper would describe an aspect of human
learning, present a computational model of the learning behavior,
evaluate how the performance of the model compares to the performance
of human learners, and describe any additional predictions made by the
computational model. Since it is hoped that the papers will be of
interest to both cognitive psychologists and computer scientists,
papers should be clearly written and provide the background
information necessary to appreciate the contribution of the
computational model.

Manuscripts must be received by April 1, 1992, to assure full
consideration.  One copy should be mailed to the editor:

	Michael Pazzani
	Department of Information and Computer Science
	University of California,
	Irvine, CA 92717

In addition, four copies should be mailed to:
	Karen Cullen
	MACH Editorial Office
	Kluwer Academic Publishers
	101 Philip Drive
	Assinippi Park
	Norwell, MA 02061

Papers will be subject to the standard review process.  Please pass
this announcement along to interested colleagues.

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