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David Wolpert
dhw at t13.Lanl.GOV
Fri Jun 7 14:31:42 EDT 1991
Javier Movellan wonders about the relative "advantages of distributed
over local representations". He asks of members of the net, "Do you
have concrete examples in your work where they did a better job than
local representations?
I have concrete examples in which they do worse - sometimes far worse.
See references below.
David Wolpert (dhw at
D. H. Wolpert, "A benchmark for how well neural nets generalize",
Biological Cybernetics, 61 (1989), 303-315.
D. H. Wolpert, "Constructing a generalizer superior to NETtalk via
a mathematical theory of generalization", Neural Networks, 3 (1990),
D. H. Wolpert, "Improving the performance of generalizers via
time-series-like pre-processing of the learning set", Los Alamos
Report LA-UR-91-350, submitted to IEEE PAMI.
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