simple pictures, tough problems
Steve Lehar
slehar at
Thu Jul 25 10:52:03 EDT 1991
> The nice hierarchical classification of simple, complex, and
> hypercomplex cells has been assaulted for two reasons: the
> hypercomplex category is questionable, and the hierarchy is
> questionable.
We observe in the visual cortex many different cells, some respond to
very simple features, others to more complex features, others to
hypercomplex- Ahem! Excuse me- Even more complex features and so on
upwards through the temporal lobe to cells that respond to very
complex specific stimuli. Are you suggesting that the most complex
cells do not take their input from the intermediate level cells, but
compute their response directly from the raw input from lateral
geniculate? I find this most unlikely! What would be the purpose of
all those intermediate level representations if not for the use of the
higher level cells? And why do we find ascending complexity of
representation in a continuous spatial progression? Why would we not
find very high level cells mixed in with simple cells at V1 if they
compute their responses independantly to the intermediate levels in
V2, V3...?
> There is evidence that the processing by simple and complex cells take
> place at least partially in parallel.
So is your complaint that the visual hierarchy is not a PURE hierarchy
because certain connections jump from low levels to very high levels
bypassing intermediate levels? You will find no argument from me on
that matter. I would assume however that most high level cells would
also take input from intermediate levels, so we have a mixed hierarchy
with lots of connections everywhere, but a hierarchy nevertheless!
The spatial arrangement of cortical regions alone strongly suggests
that to be the case. My argument about the spatial/featural transform
at each stage holds for a mixed hierarchy as it does for a pure
hierarchy. The evidence for this seems overwealming- that the higher
the cell is in the hierarchy, generally the larger is the region in
the visual field to which it will respond. This is what I mean by the
spatial/featural hierarchy, that every stage in the hierarchy
increases featural specificity while decreasing spatial specificity.
And I maintain that it is that aspect of the hierarchical structure
which lends the property of spatial generality which is so hard to
achieve in conventional recognition algorithms.
> Even a parallel system evolves through time. We can treat the
> vibration of a violin string as proceding in discrete time if our
> sampling rate is high enough (for bandlimited behavior). Each moment
> of this discrete time constitutes an iteration. To the extent that
> the time constant of a biological neural network's behavior is finite,
> we _do_ have to worry about how many iterations (how much time) it
> takes for the system to arrive at a solution.
I did not mean to suggest that resonance can be established
instantaneously, of course it requires a finite time. I merely meant
to say that in the case of resonance, a causal order (bowing causes
string to resonate) does not necessarily imply a temporal order (first
bowing then resonance) but that the resonance can emerge essentially
simultaneous to the bowing, even though the bowing is the cause of the
resonance. In the same way, I suggest that the fact that a higher
level cell fires before the lower level cell, does not necessarily
imply that it is therefore causally independant.
Of course by firing I mean firing above ambient noise level, and I
would assume that there is some a signal being sent from the lower
level cell to the higher one, albeit a weak, noisy and incoherent
signal, and that the higher level cell responds to and accentuates any
global coherency that it detects in the cacophany of noisy inputs that
it receives from many lower cells. The BCS model suggests that the
output of the lower level cell is greatly boosted and enhanced when it
receives top-down confirmation, or suppressed if it receives top-down
disconfirmation, thus a global pattern detected higher up is reflected
in the pattern of firing in the lowest levels of the hierarchy. It is
this stronger, resonant firing of the low level cell that occurs AFTER
the higher cell response, the initial firing might be lost in the
This arrangement seems eminantly plausible to me, accounting for a
large body of psychophysical data including the ease with which local
objects are recognized when they are consistant with the global
picture, and conversely, the longer time required to recognize objects
that are inconsistant with the global scene. It is clear that the
global context plays a large role in local recognition, although of
course the global context itself must be built up out of local pieces.
How else can one account for these phenomena besides a simultaneous
resonant matching between low and high level recognition?
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