'natural' concepts

Peter Foldiak PF103 at phx.cam.AC.UK
Fri Jul 19 20:39:37 EDT 1991

Ross Gayler writes:
> I think that learning concepts by pure observation (as your system has to) is
> generally impossible. What is there in the input to suggest that 'circle-ness'
> or 'square-ness' is a better basis for generalisation than pixel overlap?

It may not be easy, but I don't think it is generally impossible.
Barlow's redundancy reduction principle, for instance, would say that
features that result in lower statistical redundancy are better.
(Redundancy here is not first-order (bit probabilities) but pairwise
and higher-order redundancy.)

Peter Foldiak <pf103 at phx.cam.ac.uk>

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