two new papers on back-prop available from neuroprose

Wray Buntine wray at
Fri Jul 5 14:19:46 EDT 1991

The following two reports are currently under journal review and
have been made available on the "/pub/neuroprose" archive.  Those
unable to access this should send requests to the address below.

Both papers are intended as a guide for the "theoretically-aware
practitioner/algorithm-designer intent on building a better algorithm".

Wray Buntine
NASA Ames Research Center                 phone:  (415) 604 3389
Mail Stop 244-17     
Moffett Field, CA, 94035 		  email:  wray at


		Bayesian Back-Propagation

		by  Wray L. Buntine and Andreas S. Weigend

		available as
			/pub/neuroprose/  (pages 1-17)
			/pub/neuroprose/  (pages 1-34)

     Connectionist feed-forward networks, trained with back-propagation,
     can be used both for non-linear regression and for (discrete
     one-of-$C$) classification, depending on the form of training.  This
     paper works through approximate Bayesian methods to both these
     problems.  Methods are presented for various statistical components of
     back-propagation: choosing the appropriate cost function and
     regularizer (interpreted as a prior), eliminating extra weights,
     estimating the uncertainty of the remaining weights, predicting for
     new patterns (``out-of-sample''), estimating the uncertainty in the
     choice of this prediction (``error bars''), estimating the
     generalization error, comparing different network structures, and
     adjustments for missing values in the training patterns. These
     techniques refine and extend some popular heuristic techniques
     suggested in the literature, and in most cases require at most a small
     additional factor in computation during back-propagation, or
     computation once back-propagation has finished.  The paper begins with
     a comparative discussion of Bayesian and related frameworks for the
     training problem.

 	1.   Introduction  
	2.   On Bayesian methods 
 	3.   Multi-Layer networks 
 	4.   Probabilistic neural networks 
 	  4.1. Logistic networks
 	  4.2. Cluster networks
 	  4.3. Regression networks
 	5.   Probabilistic analysis
 	  5.1. The network likelihood function
 	  5.2. The sample likelihood
 	  5.3. Prior probability of the weights
 	  5.4. Posterior analysis
	6.   Analyzing weights
 	  6.1. Cost functions
 	  6.2. Weight evaluation
 	  6.3. Minimum encoding methods
 	7.   Applications to network training
 	  7.1. Weight variance and elimination
 	  7.2. Prediction and generalization error
 	  7.3. Adjustments for missing values
 	8.   Conclusion

	Calculating Second Derivatives on Feed-Forward Networks

	by Wray L. Buntine and Andreas S. Weigend

	available as /pub/neuroprose/

     Recent techniques for training connectionist feed-forward networks
     require the calculation of second derivatives to calculate error bars
     for weights and network outputs, and to eliminate weights, etc.  This
     note describes some exact algorithms for calculating second
     derivatives.  They require at the worst case approximately $2K$
     back/forward-propagation cycles where $K$ is the number of nodes in
     the network.  For networks with two-hidden layers or less, computation
     can be much quicker.  Three previous approximations, ignoring some
     components of the second derivative, numerical differentiation, and
     scoring, are also reviewed and compared.

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