Bernd Rosauer rosauer at
Tue Jul 16 18:47:52 EDT 1991

Some weeks ago I posted a request concerning the combination
of genetic algorithms and neural networks. In the following
you will find a summary of the references I received. This
summary is preliminary and the references are not completely
reviewed. Maybe, I will post an annotated one at the end of
this year when I have got all the relevant proceedings of
this year.

I would like to make some general comments in advance. First
of all, two summaries have already been published which cover 
the stuff until 1990:

	Rudnick, Mike. "A Bibliography of the Intersection of 
	Genetic Search and Artificial Neural Networks."
	Technical Report CS/E 90-001, Department of Computer 
	Science and Engineering, Oregon Graduate Institute,
	January 1990.

	Weiss, Gerhard. "Combining Neural and Evolutionary 
	Learning: Aspects and Approaches." Report FKI-132-90,
	Institut fuer Informatik, Technische Universitaet 
	Muenchen, May 1990.

As one of my thrustworthy informants told me the proceedings of
ICGA'91 and NIPS'91 (will) contain tons of stuff on that topic.
Finally, there is a mailing list on "neuro-evolution". Because
of the administrator did not yet answer my request I do not know
whether this list is still active. Anyway, try

	<neuro-evolution-request at>

for further information.

Now, here is the summary. Many thanks to everyone who responded.
Feel free to send me further references.



Ackley, D. H., and M. S. Littman. "Learning from natural selection 
  in an artificial environment." Proceedings of the International 
  Joint Conference on Neural Networks Washington, D.C., January 1990.
Ackley, D. H., and M. L. Littman. "Interactions between learning and 
  evolution." Artificial Life 2. Ed. Chris Langton. New York: 
  Addison-Wesley, in press.
Belew, R. K. "Evolution, learning and culture: computational metaphors 
  for adaptive search." Complex Systems 4.1 (1990): 11-49.
Belew, R. K., J. McInerney and N. N. Schraudolph. "Evolving networks: 
  Using the Genetic Algorithm with connectionist learning." Proc.
  2nd Artificial Life Conference. New York: Addison-Wesley, in press.
Belew, R. K., J. McInerney and N. Schraudolph. "Evolving Networks:  
  Using the Genetic Algorithm with Connectionist Learning." Technical
  Report CS90-174, University of California at San Diego, 1990.
Hinton, G. E., and S. J. Nowlan S.J. "How Learning Guides Evolution."
  Complex System 1 (1987): 495-502.
Ichikawa, Y. "Evolution of Neural Networks and Applications to Motion 
  Control." Proc. of IEEE Int. Work. on Intelligent Motion Control,
  Vol.1, 1990.
Keesing, Ron, and David Stork. N.t. NIPS-3, 1990.
Kitano, Hiroaki. "Empirical Study on the Speed of Convergence of Neural 
  Network Training using Genetic Algorithms." Proceedings of AAAI-90.
Kitano, Hiroaki. "Designing Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithms using
  Graph Generation System." Complex System 4.4 (1990).
Kouchi, Masahiro, Hiroaki Inayoshi and Tsutomu Hoshino. "Optimization of 
  Neural-Net Structure by Genetic Algorithm with Diploidy and Geographical 
  Isolation Model." Inst. of Engineering Mechanics, Univ. Tsukuba, Ibaraki 
  305, Japan.
Menczer, F., and D. Parisi. "`Sexual' reproduction in neural networks."
  Technical Report PCIA-90-06, Institute of Psychology, C.N.R., Rome, 
Menczer, F., and D. Parisi. "Evidence of hyperplanes in the genetic 
  learning of neural networks." Technical Report PCIA-91-08, Institute 
  of Psychology, C.N.R., Rome, 1991.
Miglino, O., and D. Parisi. "Evolutionary stable and unstable strategies 
  in neural networks." Technical Report PCIA-91-09, Institute of 
  Psychology, C.N.R., Rome, 1991.
Mjolsness, Eric, David H. Sharp and Bradley K. Alpert. "Scaling, Machine 
  Learning, and Genetic Neural Nets." Advances in Applied Mathematics 10
  (1989): 137-163.
Montana, David J., and Lawrence  Davis. "Training Feedforward Neural 
  Networks using Genetic Algorithms." Proceedings of the 11th Intern.
  Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1989, pp. 762-767.
Muehlenbein, H., and J. Kindermann. "The Dynamics of Evolution and 
  Learning - Towards Genetic Neural Networks." Connectionism in 
  Perspective. Ed. R. Pfeifer et. al. Elsevier, 1989. pp. 173-197.
Nolfi, S., J. Elman and D. Parisi. "Learning and Evolution in Neural 
  Networks." CRL Technical Report 9019, University of California at 
  San Diego, 1990.
Nolfi, S., and D. Parisi. "Auto-teaching: neural networks that develop 
  their own teaching input." Technical Report PCIA-91-03, Institute of 
  Psychology, C.N.R., Rome, 1991.
Parisi, D., F. Cecconi and S. Nolfi. "Econets: Neural Networks that Learn 
  in an Environment." Network 1 (1990): 149-168.
Parisi, D., S. Nolfi, and F. Cecconi. "Learning, Behavior, and Evolution."
  Technical Report PCIA-91-14, Institute of Psychology, C.N.R., Rome, 1991.
Radcliff, Nick. "Genetic Neural Networks on MIMD Computers." Ph.D. 
  Thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Radcliff, Nick. "Equivalence Class Analysis of Genetic Algorithms."
  Complex Systems, in press.
Radcliff, Nick. "Forma Analysis and Random Respectful Recombination."
  Proceedings of ICGA91, in press.
Todd, P. M. and G. F. Miller, G.F. "Exploring adaptive agency II: simulating 
  the evolution of associative learning."  From Animals to Animats. Eds.
  J. A. Meyer and S. W. Wilson. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1991.

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