tech rep on overfitting, decision theory, PAC learning, and...

David Haussler haussler at
Fri Jan 25 20:31:37 EST 1991


Decision Theoretic Generalizations of the PAC Model 
for Neural Net and Other Learning Applications

David Haussler
September, 1989 
Revised: December, 1990
haussler at
Baskin Center for Computer Engineering and Information Sciences
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064

We describe a generalization of the PAC learning model that is based
on statistical decision theory. In this model the learner receives
randomly drawn examples, each example consisting of an
instance $x \in X$ and an outcome $y \in Y$, and tries to find 
a hypothesis $h : X \rightarrow A$, where $h \in \cH$, that specifies
the appropriate action $a \in A$ to take for each instance $x$,
in order to minimize the expectation of a loss $\L(y,a)$. Here $X$, $Y$,
and $A$ are arbitrary sets, $\L$ is a real-valued function,
and examples are generated according to an arbitrary joint distribution on 
$X \times Y$.  Special cases include the problem of learning a function from 
$X$ into $Y$, the problem of learning the conditional probability
distribution on $Y$ given $X$ (regression), and the problem of
learning a distribution on $X$ (density estimation).

We give theorems on the uniform convergence of empirical
loss estimates to true expected loss rates for certain hypothesis spaces $\cH$,
and show how this implies learnability with bounded sample size, 
disregarding computational complexity. As an application, 
we give distribution-independent upper bounds on
the sample size needed for learning with feedforward neural networks.
Our theorems use a generalized notion of VC dimension that applies 
to classes of real-valued functions, adapted from Pollard's work, 
and a notion of {\em capacity} and {\em metric dimension}
for classes of functions that map into a bounded metric space.

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