report: optimal NN size for classifiers
Manoel F Tenorio
tenorio at
Wed Jan 16 09:41:37 EST 1991
This report addresses the analysis of a new criterion for
optimal classifier design. In particular we study the effects
of the sizing ot the hidden layers and the optimal predicted
value by this criterion.
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On Optimal Adaptive Classifier Design Criterion -
How many hidden units are necessary for an optimal
neural network classifier?
Wei-Tsih Lee Manoel Fernando Tenorio
Parallel Distributed Structures Lab. Parallel Distributed Structures Lab.
School of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering
Purdue University Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907 West Lafayette, IN 47907
lwt at tenorio at
A central problem in classifier design is the estimation of
classification error. The difficulty in classifier design arises in
situations where the sample distribution is unknown and the number of
training samples available is limited. In this paper, we present a
new approach for solving this problem. In our model, there are two
types of classification error: approximation and generalization error.
The former is due to the imperfect knowledge of the underlying sample
distribution, while the latter is mainly the result of inaccuracies in
parameter estimation, which is a consequence of the small number of
training samples. We therefore propose a criterion for optimal
classifier selection, called the Generalized Minimum Empirical Criterion
(GMEE). The GMEE criterion consists of two terms, corresponding to
the estimates of two types of error. The first term is the empirical
error, which is the classification error observed for the training
samples. The second is an estimate of the generalization error,
which is related to the classifier complexity. In this paper we
consider the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension (VCdim) as a measure of
classifier complexity. Hence, the classifier which minimizes the
criterion is the one with minimal error probability. Bayes consistency
of the GMEE criterion has been proven.
As an application, the criterion is used to design the optimal
neural network classifier. A corollary to the Bayes optimality of
neural network-based classifiers has been proven. Thus, our approach
provides a theoretic foundation for the connectionist approach to
optimal classifier design. Experimental results are given to validate
the approach, followed by discussions and suggestions for future research.
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