Vision (What's wrong with Marr's model)

Steve Lehar slehar at
Wed Jan 9 10:52:33 EST 1991

Aaron> I guess some cynics might respond that connectionists are now talking
Aaron> about vision in a way that's not too far (discounting technical details)
Aaron> from what AI vision researchers were doing before Marr came along and
Aaron> started telling them all how it should be done!
Aaron> Aaron

Tell  me  about the AI  vision researchers before Marr  that supported
vision models  inspired  by natural  architectures (PDP/connectionist)
with intensive feedback  mechanisms (as seen  in  nature) motivated by
neurophysiological   (single  cell   recordings)  and   psychophysical
(perceptual illusions) data, making  testable hypotheses  (reproducing
the illusions) about natural vision.  I haven't heard about them.

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