Connectionism vs AI Survey

Andrew J. Worth worth at
Sun Jan 6 15:31:10 EST 1991

Since I feel slightly responsible for stoking the current debate on
Connectionism vs AI, allow me to propose two surveys which may allow
its fruition.

Members of the connectionist list have varying backgrounds and
interests that lead them to correspondingly various research emphases
and various amounts of attention paid to other emphases.  Perhaps it
would be beneficial to all to find out what we (the collective list)
believe is important.

Please respond to me (worth at with your own personal
thoughts on either or both of the following:

1) What is your emphasis or interest in this field (i.e. why are you
on the connectionist list) and why is this aspect of the field

2) If you were King for a day, where would you direct further

The main question that I am trying to ask here is: Specifically, what
aspects of your interests should be important to the rest of us?  Or,
more generally, what should be the key aspects of Connectionism?

What SPECIFIC aspects of neural physiology, anatomy, and topology
should be considered by Connectionists?

PLEASE BE BRIEF.  I will summarize, collate, and post your responses
(if there is enough interest) in a few weeks.  Thanks in advance,

Andrew J. Worth               worth at          (617) 353-6741
Cognitive & Neural Systems
Boston University                           Center for Adaptive Systems
111 Cummington St. Room 244                              (617) 353-7857
Boston, MA  02215  USA

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