header for TR on ANN/HMM hybrid in neuroprose

Yoshua BENGIO yoshua at homer.cs.mcgill.ca
Tue Feb 19 14:33:08 EST 1991

The following technical report available by ftp from neuroprose was
recently advertised:

Yoshua Bengio, Renato De Mori, Giovanni Flammia, and Ralf Kompe (1990),
"Global Optimization of a Neural Network - Hidden Markov Model Hybrid",
Technical Report TR-SOCS-90.22, December 1990, School of Computer Science,
McGill University.

However, it was not mentionned that the front pages of the TR are in


whereas the paper itself is in:


Sorry for the inconvenience,

Yoshua Bengio
School of Computer Science, McGill University

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