Survey Results: Connectionism vs AI

Andrew J. Worth worth at
Thu Feb 7 15:03:28 EST 1991

On January 6th, I suggested a survey as part of the "Connectionism vs
AI" discussion.  Though the replies were not overwhelming, some of the
main participants in the debate did respond.  The text of the
responses has (or will soon) be placed in the connectionist archive.
Instructions to obtain this via anonymous ftp are given below.  If you
do not have access to the archive, I can send you the file by email
directly.  The file is plain text and has 455 lines, 3273 words, and
22732 characters.

% ftp B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU  (or ftp
Name: anonymous
Password:              (your username)
ftp> cd /usr/connect/connectionists/archives
ftp> get connect-vs-ai
ftp> quit

Thanks to all those that responded!

Andrew J. Worth               worth at          (617) 353-6741
Cognitive & Neural Systems
Boston University                           Center for Adaptive Systems
111 Cummington St. Room 244                              (617) 353-7857
Boston, MA  02215  USA

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