ACNN92 Program
Barry Flower
barryf at
Mon Dec 16 18:01:38 EST 1991
3rd - 5th FEBRUARY 1992
ACNN'92 Organising Committee
Conference Chairman
Dr Marwan Jabri
Systems Engineering & Design Automation Laboratory (SEDAL)
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Prof Bill Levick, Australian National University
A/Prof Ah Chung Tsoi, University of Queensland
Stream Chairs
Prof Yanni Attikiouzel, University of Western Australia
Prof Max Bennett, University of Sydney
Prof Max Coltheart, Macquarie University
Dr Marwan Jabri, University of Sydney
Dr M Palaniswami, University of Melbourne
Dr Stephen Pickard, University of Sydney
Dr M Srinivasan, Australian National University
A/Prof Ah Chung Tsoi, University of Queensland
Local Arrangements
Dr M Srinivasan, Australian National University
Institutions Liaison
Dr N Nandagopal, DSTO
Dr Stephen Pickard, University of Sydney
Mr Barry Flower, University of Sydney
Mr Philip Leong, University of Sydney
Mrs Agatha Shotam, University of Sydney
For further information and registrations please contact:
Mrs Agatha Shotam
Secretariat ACNN'92
Sydney University Tel: (+61-2) 692 4214
Electrical Engineering Fax: (+61-2) 660 1228
NSW 2006 Australia Email: acnn92 at
Monday, 3rd February 1992
9.00 - 10.00 am Registration
10.00 - 10.30 am Official Opening
The Hon Ross Free, Minister for Science & Technology
10.30 - 11.00 am Morning Tea
11.00 - 12.30 pm Session 1
On the Existence of "Fast" and "Slow" Directionally Sensitive
Motion Detector Neurons in Insects
G A Horridge & Ljerka Marcelja
Centre for Visual Sciences, RSBS
Australian National University, Australia
Neural Networks for the Detection of Motion Boundaries
M V Srinivasan & P Sobey
Centre for Visual Sciences, RSBS
Australian National University, Australia
On the Mechanism Underlying Movement Detection in the Fly
Visual System
A Bouzerdoum
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Adelaide, Australia
12.30 - 2.00 pm Lunch
2.00 - 3.30 pm Session 2
(invited) A Generalization Method for Back-Propagation using
Fuzzy Sets
B R Hunt, Y Y Qi & D DeKruger
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Arizona, USA
Connectionist Models of Musical Pattern Recognition
C Stevens
Department of Psychology
University of Sydney, Australia
Analog VLSI Implementation of Adaptive Algorithms by an
Extended Hebbian Synapse Circuit
T Morie, O Fujitsu and Y Amemiya
NTT LSI Laboratories, Japan
3.30 - 4.00 pm Afternoon Tea
4.00 - 5.30 pm Session 3
Computer Simulation: An Aid to Understanding the Neuronal
Circuits that Control the Behaviour of the Intestine
J C Bornstein, J B Furness, H Kelly
Department of Physiology
University of Melbourne, Australia
T O Neild & R A R Bywater
Department of Physiology
Monash University
A Multi-Module Neural Network Approach for ICEG Classification
Z Chi & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
Circuit Complexity for Neural Computation
Kai-Yeung Siu, V Roychowdhury and T Kailath
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of California, Irvine, USA
5.30 - 8.00 pm Poster Session 1 and Cocktails
Tuesday, 4th February 1992
9.00 - 10.30 am Session 4
Sparse Associative Memory
W G Gibson and J Robinson
School of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Sydney, Australia
Robustness and Universal Approximation in Multilayer
Feedforward Neural Networks
P Diamond and I V Fomenko
Mathematics Department
The University of Queensland, Australia
A Partially Correlated Higher Order Recurrent Neural Network
P S Malin & M Palaniswami
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Melbourne, Australia
10.30 - 11.00 am Morning Tea
11.00 - 12.30 pm Session 5
A Computer Simulation of Intestinal Motor Activity
S J H Brookes
Department of Physiology
Flinders University, Australia
High Precision Hybrid Analogue/Digital Synapses
A Azhad & J Morris
Department of Computer Science
University of Tasmania, Australia
Model of the Spinal Frog Neural System Underlying the Wiping
Ranko Babich
ETF Pristina
12.30 - 2.30 pm Lunch
Postgraduate Students Session
coordinated by Janet Wiles, University of Queensland
2.30 - 4.00 pm Session 6
Panel on Challenging Issues in Neural Networks Research
Panelists include:
Y Attikiouzel, University of Western Australia
T Caelli, University of Melbourne
M Coltheart, Macquarie University
B Hunt, University of Arizona
B Levick, Australian National University
4.00 - 4.30 pm Afternoon Tea
4.30 - 6.00 pm Session 7
"Solving" Combinatorially Hard Problems by Combining Deterministic Annealing with Constrained Optimisation
Paul Stolorz
Theoretical Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
The Recognition Capability of RAM-Based Neural Networks
R Bowmaker & G G Coghill
School of Engineering
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Modelling the Human Text-to-Speech System
Max Coltheart
School of Behavioural Sciences
Macquarie University
6.00 - 8.00 pm Poster Session 2
7.00 - 8.00 pm BBQ
Wednesday, 5th February 1992
9.00 - 10.40 am Session 8
Missing Values in a Backpropagation Neural Net
P Vamplew & A Adams
Department of Computer Science
University of Tasmania, Australia
Training Limited Precision Feedforward Neural Networks
Y Xie & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
Modelling Robustness of FIR amd IIR Synapse Multilayer
Andrew Back & A C Tsoi
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
Poster Highlights
10.40 - 11.00 am Morning Tea
11.00 - 12.30 pm Session 9
Low-Level Insect Vision: A Large but Accessible
Biological Neural Network
D Osorio & A C James
Centre for Visual Sciences
Australian National University, Australia
Comparisons of Letter Recognition by Humans and
Artificial Neural Networks
Cyril Latimer
Department of Psychology
University of Sydney, Australia
Evidence that the Adaptive Gain Control Exhibited by Neurons
of the Striate Visual Cortex is a Co-operative Network
T Maddess & T R Vidyasagar
Centre for Visual Sciences
Australian National University, Australia
12.30 - 2.00 pm Lunch
12.30 - 2.00 pm Poster Session 3
2.00 - 3.00 pm Session 10
Panel on Benefits of Neural Network Technologies to Australian
Commercial Applications.
Panelists include:
A Bowles, BHP Research Melbourne
D Nandagopal, DSTO Australia
K Hubick, DITAC
P Nickolls, Telectronics Pacing Systems
R Smith, ATERB
3.00 - 3.30 pm Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 4.30 pm Session 11
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in the Australian
Defence Industry
N Nandagopal
Guided Weapons Division
DSTO, Australia
Low Power Analogue VLSI Implementation of a
Feed-Forward Neural Network
S J Pickard, M A Jabri, P H W Leong
B Flower & P Henderson
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
4.30 - 5.00 pm Closing
Poster Session 1
Monday, 3rd February 1992
5.30 pm - 8.00 pm
Entropy Production - a New Harmony Function for Hopfield Like Networks
L Andrey
Institute of Computer & Information Science
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Czechoslovakia
A New Method of Training Neural Nets to Counteract Their Overgeneralization
M Bahrami & K E Tait
School of Electrical Engineering
University of New South Wales
The Development and Application of Dynamic Models in Process Control Using
Neural Networks
C J Chessari & G W Barton
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Sydney
Image Restoration in the Homogeneous ANN and the Role of Time Discreteness
N S Belliustin
Scientific Research Institute of Radiophysics, USSR
V G Yakhno
Institute of Applied Physics, USSR
Neuronal Control of the Intestine - a Biological Neural Network
S J H Brookes
Department of Physiology & Ctr for Neuroscience
Flinders University
A Neural Network Approach to Phonocardiography
I Cathers
Department of Biological Sciences
Cumberland College of Health Sciences
Motion Analysis and Range Estimation Using Neural Networks
M Cavaiuolo, A J S Yakovleff & C R Watson
Electronic Research Laboratory
DSTO, Australia
Unsupervised Clustering Using Dynamic Competitive Learning
S J Kia & G G Coghill
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Neural Net Simulation of the Peristaltic Reflex
A D Coop & S J Redman
Division of Neuroscience, JCSMR
Australian National University
Novel Applications of a Standard Recurrent Network Model
H Debar
CSEE/DCI, France
B Dorizzi
Institut National des Telecommunications, France
A Self-Organizing Neural Tree Architecture
L Y Fang & A Jennings
Artificial Intelligence Section
Telecom Australia Research Labs
K Q-Q Li
Department of Computer Science
Monash University
T Li & S Klasa
Department of Computer Science
Concordia University, Canada
Computer Simulation of Spinal Cord Neural Circuits that Control Muscle Movement
B P Graham
Centre for Information Science Research
Australian National University
S J Redman
Division of Neuroscience, JCSMR
Australian National University
Temporal Patterns of Auditory Responses: Implications for Encoding Mechanisms
in the Ear
K G Hill
Developmental Neurobiology Group, RSBS
Australian National University
Emulation of the Neuro-morphological Functions of Biological Visual Receptive
Fields for Medical Image Processing
S K Hungenahally
School of Microelectronics
Griffith University
COPE - A Hybrid Connectionist Production System Environment
N K Kasabov
Department of Computer Science
University of Essex, UK
Pruning Large Synaptic Weights
A Kowalczyk
Artificial Intelligence Section
Telecom Australia Research Labs
A Connectionist Model of Attentional Learning Using a Sequentially Allocatable Spotlight of Attention
C Latimer & Z Schreter
Department of Psychology
University of Sydney
An Analogue Low Power VLSI Neural Network
P H W Leong & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney
Radar Target Recognition using ART2
D Nandagopal, A C Wright, N M Martin, R P Johnson, P Lozo & I Potter
Guided Weapons Division
DSTO, Australia
An Expert System and a Neural Network Combine to Control the Robotic Arc
Welding Process
E Siores
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Wollongong
Poster Session 2
Tuesday, 4th February 1992
6.00 - 8.00 pm
Nonlinear Adaptive Control Using an IIR MLP
A Back
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland
Neural Network Analysis of Geomagnetic Survey Data
C J S deSilva & Y Attikiouzel
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Western Australia
Seismic Event Classification Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks
F U Dowla, W J Maurer & S P Jarpe
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Task Based Pruning
R Dunne
Mathematics Programme
Murdoch University
N A Campbell & H T Kiiveri
Division of Mathematics & Statistics
Training Continually Running Recurrent Networks and Neuron with Gain Using
Weight Perturbation
B G Flower & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney
Science with Neural Nets: An Application to Nuclear Physics
S Gazula
Department of Physics
Washington University, USA
Image Restoration with Iterative K-nearest Neighbor Operation with the
Scheduled K size (IKOWSK)
Y Hagihara
Faculty of Technology
Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan
The Influence of Output Bit Mapping on Convergence Time in M-ary PSK Neural
Network Detectors
J T Hefferan & S Reisenfeld
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Technology, Sydney
Discriminant Functions and Aggregation Functions: Emulation and Generalization of Visual Receptive Fields
S K Hungenahally
School of Microelectronics
Griffith University
Selective Presentation Learning for Pattern Recognition by Back-Propagation Neural Networks
K Kohara
NTT Network Information Systems Laboratories, Japan
Identification of Essential Attributes for Neural Network Classifier
A Kowalczyk
Artificial Intelligence Section
Telecom Australia Research Labs
Back Propagation and the N-2-N Encoder Problem
R Lister
Basser Department of Computer Science
University of Sydney
A Comparison of Transfer Functions for Feature Extracting Layers in the
D R Lovell, A C Tsoi & T Downs
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland
Target Cuing: A Heterogeneous Neural Network Approach
H McCauley
Naval Weapons Center, USA
Some Word Recognition Experiments with a Modified Neuron Model
M Saseetharan & M P Moody
School of Electrical & Electronic Systems Engineering
Queensland University of Technology
Regularization and Spline Fitting by Analog Networks
D Suter
Department of Computer Science
La Trobe University
Information Transformation Across a Physiological Synapse
R M Vickery, B D Gynther & M J Rowe
School of Physiology & Pharmacology
University of New South Wales
Towards a Neural Network Implementation of Hoffman's Lie Algebra for Vision
J Wiles
Department of Psychology
University of Queensland
Approximation Theoretic Results for Neural Networks
R C Williamson
Department of Systems Engineering
Australian National University
U Helmke
Department of Mathematics
University of Regensburg, Germany
Pattern Recognition by Using a Compound Eye-like Hybrid System
S W Zhang, M Nagle & M V Srinivasan
Centre for Visual Sciences, RSBS
Australian National University
Poster Session 3
Wednesday, 5th February 1992
12.30 - 2.00 pm
Simplifying the Hopfield/Tank Algorithm in Solving the Travelling Salesman
W K Lai & G G Coghill
School of Engineering
University of Auckland
Domain Classification of Language Using Neural Networks
M Flower
Artificial Intelligence Section
Telecom Australia Research Labs
A New Self-Organisation Strategy for Floorplan Design
J Jiang & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney
HOCAM - A Content Addressable Memory using Higher Order Neural Networks
M Palaniswami
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Melbourne
Mean Square Reconstruction Error Criterion in Biological Vision
T R Pattison
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Adelaide
Making a Simple Recurrent Network a Self-Oscillator by Incremental Training
S Phillips
Department of Computer Science
University of Queensland
Neural Nets in Free Text Information Filtering
J C Scholtes
Department of Computational Linguistics
University of Amsterdam
Neural Network Learning with Opaque Mappings
C J Thornton
School of Cognitive & Comp Sci
University of Sussex
Neurocognitive Pattern Transmission; by Identity Mapping Networks
J Tizard & C R Clark
School of Social Sciences
Flinders University of South Australia
The Connectionist Sequential Machine: A General Model of Sequential Networks
C Touzet & N Giambiasi
Efficient Computation of Gabor Transform using A Neural Network
H Wang & H Yan
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney
Piecewise Linear Feedforward Neural Networks
R C Williamson
Department of Systems Engineering
Australian National University
P Bartlett
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland
Functional Link Net and Simulated Annealing Approach for the Economic Dispatch
of Electric Power
K P Wong & C C Fung
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Western Australia
Non-linear Prediction for Resolution Enhancement of Band-limited Signals
H Yan
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney
Dynamics of Neural Networks
H Yang
Department of Computer Science
La Trobe University
A Probabilistic Neural Network Edge Detector for 2 Dimensional Gray Scale
A Zaknich & Y Attikiouzel
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Western Australia
A Hybrid Approach to Isolated-Digit Recognition
D Zhang & J B Millar
Computer Sciences Lab, RSPSE
Australian National University
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