Neural Computation 3:4

Terry Sejnowski terry at jeeves.UCSD.EDU
Wed Dec 11 22:08:41 EST 1991

Neural Computation
Winter 1991, Volume 3, Issue 4


Neural Network Classifiers Estimate Bayesian a Posteriori
	Michael D. Richard and Richard P. Lippmann


Lowering Variance of Decisions by Using Artificial
Network Portfolios
	G. Mani


Oscillating Networks:  Control of Burst Duration by Electrically
Coupled Neurons
	L.F. Abbott, E. Marder, and S.L. Hooper

A Computer Simulation of Oscillatory Behavior in
Primary Visual Cortex
	Matthew A. Wilson and James M. Bower

Segmentation, Binding, and Illusory Conjunctions
	D. Horn, D. Sagi, and M. Usher

Contrastive Learning and Neural Oscillations
	Fernando Pineda and Pierre Baldi

Weight Perturbation:  An Optimal Architecture and
Learning Technique for Analog VLSI Feedforward and
Recurrent Multi-Layer Networks
	Marwan Jabri and Barry Flower

Predicting the Future:  Advantages of Semi-Local Units
	Eric Hartman and James D. Keeler

Improving the Generalisation Properties of Radial Basis
Function Neural Networks
	Chris Bishop

Temporal Evolution of Generalization during Learning in
Linear Networks
	Pierre Baldi and Yves Chauvin

Learning the Unlearnable 
	Dan Nabutovsky and Eytan Domany

Kolmogorov's Theorem is Relevant
	Vera Kurkov

An Exponential Response Neural Net	
	Shlomo Geva and Joaquin Sitte



______ $40     Student
______ $65     Individual
______ $150    Institution

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(Back issues from Volumes 1-3 are available for  $28 each.)

MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142.
        (617) 253-2889.


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